Good Weekend
Hello All,
Sorry for not posting Pics for a while but it has been to hot in the shop to work. Last winter I asked wife for some of those fancy tube type heaters because it was alot of work keeping the shop heated with the wood burner and she said ok. A couple weeks ago I asked her for air conditioning and her response was
and walked away mumbling about men...... guess that meant no???
Anyway back to the bikes.
Please keep in mind what this project was for when looking at pics. By Austin for Austin. If you have any advice (on bikes not Air conditioners) please post them, he checks the forum daily. I am no expert on all things WLA so if you see anything he can improve on let him know.
We are working hard to make Davenport but its gonna be close.
I was supposed to drop off my 39EL frame to Matt Olsen for repairs in Davenport but I dont think I will make it due to this build. Respect to Matt and all the members that helped with the give away bike. this is alot of work!!! Deadlines and a highly motivated boss (kid), this is kinda like a job!!

while he had his tools out I figured he could fix the chair his oversized friends broke!!

your 13 year old ever get brave and wave wrench at you? ill knock the taste otta his mouth
Hello All,
Sorry for not posting Pics for a while but it has been to hot in the shop to work. Last winter I asked wife for some of those fancy tube type heaters because it was alot of work keeping the shop heated with the wood burner and she said ok. A couple weeks ago I asked her for air conditioning and her response was

Anyway back to the bikes.
Please keep in mind what this project was for when looking at pics. By Austin for Austin. If you have any advice (on bikes not Air conditioners) please post them, he checks the forum daily. I am no expert on all things WLA so if you see anything he can improve on let him know.
We are working hard to make Davenport but its gonna be close.
I was supposed to drop off my 39EL frame to Matt Olsen for repairs in Davenport but I dont think I will make it due to this build. Respect to Matt and all the members that helped with the give away bike. this is alot of work!!! Deadlines and a highly motivated boss (kid), this is kinda like a job!!

while he had his tools out I figured he could fix the chair his oversized friends broke!!

your 13 year old ever get brave and wave wrench at you? ill knock the taste otta his mouth
