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  • #16
    Not True, classic car and motorcycle insurance is in their scope of insurance. A few years ago they began to advertise and promote the desire to do this. State Farm has been in business for over 80 years, just a little new to the Classic coverage. I know as I work in the claims dept and have seen many payments for a stated value. You need to work with your underwriter and this will get the value correct for your cycle. This will protect you and the company for any issue that would promote bad peelings upon a loss.
    I would take the bike to someone who can appraise it, maybe someone at an AMCA meet or such. Sounds like you have a little time so you can make it happen if you want it all at one provider. I have heard nothing bad about Hagerty so you are in good shape with either. Hope this helps.

    Originally posted by talbot-2 View Post
    I second Gerry's suggestion for "Hagerty". I too, tried to keep all of my insurance under one provider, but the underwriter's at State Farm could not find enough documentation to support the value that I and others have placed on my cycles. Insuring vintage vehicles is not in their scope of insurance. The underwriters at Hagerty have much more experience in insuring vintage vehicles and had adequate documentation to support the value that I requested. That's their business.
    #7558 Take me on and you take on the whole trailer park!


    • #17
      Make sure that you get Agreed Value in lieu of Stated Value. You can search the web for more information.

      "There are three types of automobile insurance available today: Actual Cash Value (ACV), Stated Value, and Agreed Value. ACV coverage is what insures most everyday cars; these vehicles are insured for purchased or book value and will be depreciated in the event of a claim. Stated Value insurance is what large companies and some specialty insurers use to insure collectible cars; it is better than ACV coverage because it allows you to "state' a value for your car that might be higher than its purchased or book value. But Stated Value can still depreciate cars because these companies only have to pay "up to" the "stated" amount. Only Agreed Value insurance absolutely guarantees you will get all of your money back in the event of a total loss."

