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A Sunshine thank you

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  • A Sunshine thank you

    On behalf of Carl Sorenson, I am writing to thank all the members of the Sunshine Chapter that helped make the meet a success. Members put in many hours/days in preparing for this meet. Putting on any meet is a lot of work but establishing a new venue is especially time consuming. Members were there to do what was needed. Thanks.

    For those that don’t know, Carl and his wife were badly hurt in a motorcycle accident a month ago that has them still in a rehab facility. Carl lost his left lower leg and had several surgeries. Cindy had extensive surgery saving her leg.

    I would like to thank Carl for his year long work in improving the meet. The Eustis fairgrounds is to be eliminated in the near future (article in the Orlando Sentinel). Carl was quick to realize we could be without a facility.

    The meet was a pleasure to attend. The vendors numbered close to 200 and the site was full of activity. Central Florida has not had significant rain in months, so of course Friday tried to catch up with a torrential storm. A lesser one followed Saturday. However, the grounds are all pitched toward swales and we had minimal standing water. The acre size, hard packed arena also provided cover. I surveyed the attendees and everyone was enjoying themselves and appreciated the new facility.

    Thanks to the AMCA members that trusted us to put on a good meet. Being a first meet and having the coordinator laid up, there is room for improvement. We will be meeting to address issues to make next year’s meet even better. Constructive ideas are welcome.

  • #2
    Richard, is this the article in the Orlando Sentinel you are referencing?


    Looks like this dispels another lie being spread about the Lake County Fairgrounds going away. They would like to have a larger fairground on 75 acres in Tavares, only construction funds are lacking. They will keep their present fairgrounds open until a better one can be completed.

    There is way too much dis-information being spread. Get the FACTS correct or be silent.


    • #3
      Richard, first of all the meet was not as successful as previous years, I would like to know the final tally, do you know? Second everybody needs to stop all the miss-information being circulated to try and make this meet look like it was the best ever, it was not in a long shot. As Tim R noted people need to read the article itself. The fairgrounds was not going to be lost in the "near future", but in two, three, four years which was plenty of time to negotiate for the NEW fairgrounds site or look for alternate sites. It is a known fact that Joe and Carl did not like Eustis. It was their intension to move from their beginning, just now one else in the membership new until after the fact. Please open your eyes and realize this club was run by a few who did not care what the membership thought or wanted, this will soon change!!!!


      • #4
        The link above is not working. But I believe this is what is being pointed to:,6054653.story

        Lake County is in the beginning stages of developing an entirely new, modern fairgrounds, about three times the size of the present facility (75 instead of 28 acres). The VMA, as a result of Sunshine Chapter's recent precipitous actions, appears to now be in the position of "first refusal" to hold antique motorcycle meets at the new state-of-the-art event venue when it does open, apparently several years hence.

        Perhaps we should consider continuing simultaneous meets at both sites, both run by loyal AMCA members, in order to retain our standing with the Fair Board in Lake County.
        Gerry Lyons #607


        • #5
          Thanks for the correct link Gerry, it is appreciated.
          Kris Hilles #5182


          • #6
            JMHO, but bringing up someone's extreme bad fortune in a 'political" type post is in VERY bad taste, and the worst kind of propaganda- shame on you. Seems pretty well-aimed, again, in my opinion. Who is the "we" in "We will be meeting to address issues to make next year’s meet even better."? Would that happen to be the same small group who engineered the move in the first place? If it is, you're obviously not listening, because the other members are now aware of things, paying attention, and will be able to vote for new chapter officers at some point


            • #7
              I had no idea beforehand that only Joe and Carl had a hand in putting on this event at Silver Sands. That makes the job they did even more commendable, especially since Carl and his wife were in the hospital at the time.


              • #8
                Bill, for someone that writes a "thank you" on behalf of Carl Sorenson, you had no idea that they had a hand in the move, please Bill get real. It is stupid comments like yours that have woke up the club membership to the few who made a huge mistake because of their self serving agenda. Are you a member of the Sunshine Chapter? If you are you must be one of the "followers". Please stop drinking the "coolade"! Come to your senses, cast a vote. Look forward to the meeting this April!


                • #9
                  I think you may have overlooked a very important word in my post. That word was "only". I didn't suggest that only Carl and Joe were responsible for the move, you did. I was being sarcastic but apparently it went over your head.


                  • #10
                    Bill, just what everyone needs is more sarcasm! That helps the club tremendously. Keep up the good work! Trust me, I did not overlook "only", everyone knows it was a Joe, Carl and a few "blind followers" that were part of this huge mistake. You must be sooo proud! I just find it hard to believe you had no idea this was happening, right! Don't worry, the club is well aware of all the antics of a few and will fight to get control back of the club, the club where every member is heard, not ignored!!! You can take that to the bank!
                    Kris Hilles #5182


                    • #11
                      Have a blessed day, Kris!!

