I have just heard that Carl Sorenson, V.P. of the Sunshine Chapter was badly injured in a motorcycle accident. I have no other facts so it would appreciated if a fellow member with more information would fill us in. Regardless of the Eustis issues, Carl is an AMCA member and could use the support of the club.
No announcement yet.
V.P. of Sunshine Chapter
Carl and his wife, Cindy, were hit while riding last Thursday evening 2/16/2012. Upon arrival at the hospital Carl had his lower left leg amputated; since then other surgeries including left hip replacement. He is still sedated and unable to speak, but outlook is promising. Cindy has a broken left arm, ankle and ribs and head trauma but is starting to come around. Prayers and hope, thanks.
this update is from carl's partner, john, and his wife, kirk:
It's been one week since the accident and what amazing progress has been made by Carl and Cindy. She was moved today to the 8th floor neurological unit and when I spoke to her she knew me without prompting, responded accurately to open ended questions and seemed well aware of the basic situation. She showed me her repaired leg .... there are going to be a few nice scars. But she isn't in any pain and was actually cheerful. I was so pleased to be with her but she does need a lot of rest.
Carl remains in ICU and is showing a bit of his feisty personality. He wants to "escape." Who can blame him? The ventilator was removed today and he is able to speak....now the trouble begins His visitors are limited to the girls. Hopefully he'll move to the step-down unit in the next couple of days.
The social workers are talking with the girls about long range plans and both Carl and Cindy with go to a skilled nursing facility when the time comes. There is legal action being pursued against the unlicensed driver and owner of the car. Two different people.
There are people that should get these updates but I don't have their emails. So please forward to them and send me a note so I can include them for the future.
I told Cindy that for every person she sees or talks to that there are hundreds behind them praying for the Sorensons. She is appreciative and remarked they are lucky to be alive. So keep up the good work.
Bless you all and good night.
Kirk and John
Our thoughts and very best wishes are with them.Buzz Kanter
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I haven't written in a couple of days as there hasn't been any major changes, just continued steady improvement. I went to the hospital today and visited with both Cindy and Carl. She is still in room 806 and Carl remains in the ICU step-down unit with only immediate family access. I lucked out as Megan was there and they were taking Cindy to visit Carl for the first time since the accident....a very special thing to see! Again, I'm so impressed with both of their progress and also how well they are coping with this life altering experience. They held hands and stuck their tongues out at each other) and talked about what they remembered or didn't. Two major improvements are that Carl doesn't have a feeding tube and is starting to take solid food. And he has asked for books to read and no longer is asking for help to "escape." His sense of humor is there too and that just warms my heart. He talked about the great friends he has and I heard from his daughter he wanted a bottle of his favorite whiskey to serve to his friends when they came to visit.
He did have an MRI of his right knee and the results are pending. There was concern about possible ligament damage.
The family today went to look at skilled nursing facilities as Cindy may be released soon and will need that level of care for a while. Please continue with your praise and prayers. They are certainly very effective. It will be a long recovery for both.
Thank you all.
Kirk and John
recent update; i called carl 2 days ago. he answered with "you talk, i'll listen"
Hello all,
It's a much better day! Carl is settling in and had a visit from Cindy. Megan got permission to take Cindy from Adventist on Courtland over to Manor Care to see him. Thank God! They had a good visit and it amazes me that Cindy had the strength to make the physical transfers to accomplish this goal so successfully! In addition she used her laptop to pay the household bills! Way to go Cindy. Who would believe this would be such a satisfying milestone????
The place where Carl is may not be the best rehab facility from an orthopedic standpoint so Shelly is going to inquire about this on Monday and see if perhaps they can also get both Carl and Cindy together to rehab. What a good thing that would be.
As for visitors, my suggestion is to call first to talk with them. They both have their cell phones and will answer if they aren't busy or asleep. Cindy has seemed to enjoy the visits.
They also have enjoyed some outside food and magazines. Ask what they might want.
That's all for now. Thanks so much for being patient. I know it's hard not being able to visit them and feel the reassurance of seeing them. But they needed this time and still may as time goes on. It's a REAL roller coaster of physical and emotional challenges. But your love, prayers and support are making a big difference for them.
Kirk and John
hi all, i spoke with carl several times today. he's not happy to be missing this sunshine meet that he's worked so hard on, but is happy that, as of this evening, there were only @20 vendor spots that weren't rented, plus lots of campers out in the back 40, so all in all a 'sunshine' success. next year the few things that need to be tweaked will be worked out and we can all look forward to seeing him ride around on his new bike.
he and cindy continue to make improvement and will be in the same rehab facility by this saturday; thank you all for your positive thoughts. nance
Today marks 3 weeks since the accident. Carl, Cindy, Shelly, Megan and their support system are a testament to how miracles happen. Pulling together in faith, determination and with the blessings of our God given talents, great and small. Today when I saw Carl I said he looks, sounds and is the best I've seen him since the accident. His voice is strong and energy level is greatly improved. He's actively participating in his recovery and called the admissions coordinator at Adventist on Courtland to ensure things are lined up for his transfer tomorrow. Isn't that the guy we've always known? Working the phones, making it happen.
I spoke with Cindy and she sounds good. They are continuing with physical and occupational therapy. Her step-dad visits daily and has been taking her outside to the garden for some sunshine therapy. There is a little concern about a wound and they've started her on antibiotics for it. She is eating well and looking forward to having Carl with her in the same facility.
I think it will be good for them to see friends. But keep visits short and maybe call first to see if they are in good shape for a visit.
Adventist Care Center
730 Courtland Street, Orlando, FL 32804
(407) 975-3800 ()
Thanks for your continued support.