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Davenport newsletter

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  • Davenport newsletter

    The 2010 December newsletter is available here: Sheds some more light on what happened at the last Davenport meet.

    Ed Glasgow
    # 2053

  • #2
    I think that Ed means the 2011 December newsletter. I read this also having been at the Presidents Meeting the day after the Board Meeting. As mentioned in the Chief Blackhawk newsletter (well written) there are two sides to every story. I also spoke with Mr. Finney on the phone a few days after the meet and he answered questions that I had about the incident at the Presidents Meeting that did not come out at the meeting. I appreciated his candor and regret for how things were handled at that time. I agree with the having the membership vote on important matters that are put forth by any board of directors. Organizations a lot larger than ours do that all the time. Those concerned will take the opportunity to vote when given the chance. Since our chapter was not allowed a National Meet due to Rhinebeck we have been holding a Chapter Meet each fall and most of those coming to vend or to visit have expressed how much they enjoy the meet and hope that it will continue. It really is in keeping with the 'Mission' of promoting antique motorcycling in the best way possible and providing people with as many opportunities as possible to interact, and/or find that part or the help they need to finish their project. Let's do the best we can to really promote the sport without all the politics involved.



    • #3
      Like "Garfield" says, "Oh Heavens!"



      • #4
        Originally posted by dlterpstra View Post
        I think that Ed means the 2011 December newsletter. I read this also having been at the Presidents Meeting the day after the Board Meeting. As mentioned in the Chief Blackhawk newsletter (well written) there are two sides to every story. I also spoke with Mr. Finney on the phone a few days after the meet and he answered questions that I had about the incident at the Presidents Meeting that did not come out at the meeting. I appreciated his candor and regret for how things were handled at that time. I agree with the having the membership vote on important matters that are put forth by any board of directors. Organizations a lot larger than ours do that all the time. Those concerned will take the opportunity to vote when given the chance. Since our chapter was not allowed a National Meet due to Rhinebeck we have been holding a Chapter Meet each fall and most of those coming to vend or to visit have expressed how much they enjoy the meet and hope that it will continue. It really is in keeping with the 'Mission' of promoting antique motorcycling in the best way possible and providing people with as many opportunities as possible to interact, and/or find that part or the help they need to finish their project. Let's do the best we can to really promote the sport without all the politics involved.


        Very Well said Dave
        AMCA Member#1848


        • #5
          Ask yourself, "What Would Bob (McClean) Do?" Have done?
          I can't imagine this mess, were he still alive.
          The times, they keep a'changin'.
          Last edited by Sargehere; 12-26-2011, 06:34 PM.
          Gerry Lyons #607


          • #6
            They always say there are two sides of the sides and then there's what really happened. Perhaps Mat Olsen could state what he witnessed. I don't undersand why Finney and Lash were not permitted to record the minutes of the meeting.


            • #7
              Let's move on and talk about old bikes. I was there and I've heard both sides of the story. Like any good political debate there may never be a satisfactory answer for everyone but I can assure you that the calls I have received since the INCIDENT tell me everyone wants to strengthen the club and it's values not tear them apart. The best years I hope are still ahead of me in this hobby even though age is not on my side and I think the people who spend countless hours on the executive want what we all want, a great club that we all love. Chief Blackhawk, you are the best and we hope we all can move forward. Let's all make a new year's resolution to promote the hobby, especially on this forum...which quite frankly keeps me sane when the working world beats me down.
              Last edited by Ross; 12-26-2011, 09:16 PM.


              • #8
                A very sensible letter Ross and I agree with all your points; in particular, that we should all work to make our club stronger.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  I would vote for that, making the club stronger, but wait we are not allowed to vote except by our actions, Shelby


                  • #10
                    So tell me Shelby, who would you vote for in each and every catorgory of the AMCA BOD.
                    Just curious, RF.
                    SF, CA
                    You can email me privately if you wish;


                    • #11
                      I will followup with a private email, but you changed the intent of what I said from What would I vote on, to "Who would I vote for" I was trying to say to strenghten the club, polls (questionnaires) could be taken gathering input from National Members to help steer the ship. Shelby


                      • #12
                        HI Shelby,
                        I received your private email; Thank You. I now understand that you are speaking of issues out of local members control in regards to the new Florida Location. Sorry for my confusion on that. I understand your dilema. I will get back to you personally on your private email as well, hopefully tomorrow, as it's late for me now.
                        Thanks for your concerns, and speaking up about it.
                        All the best, RF.


                        • #13
                          I encourage all to follow the Chief Blackhawk Club's progress, on our website

                          Hello all,

                          Please note, I post this as my opinion, as a Chief Blackhawk Club member, only.

                          The politics of governing any club or organization are never any fun. We, at the Chief Blackhawk Club, are not particularly enjoying the process we are now immersed in. However, it is a necessity, as we cannot go on putting on a meet that continues to lose money, year after year.

                          I hope that each and every one of you will follow our progress, by reading our monthly newsletter, for our club's updates. I will not address any of the previously mentioned issues. I do encourage anyone that has questions, comments, or other issues regarding our CBC, to please direct them to our club's President, David Lash, who's contact info is also listed on our website.

                          We at the CBC, are striving to demonstrate actions which we hope are undeniably exemplary to all of the chapters and AMCA members as we move forward; decisions others would choose to emulate. Mistakes do occur, and we apologize for those.

                          Please do note that we, at the CBC, proudly govern in a truly democratic way. Our club's officers, board of directors, and committees are our trusted servants who perform the tasks that we members, by a vote of the entire club, ask them to carry out, for the club as a whole. They universally do not promote their own agendas, but those of our entire CBC. I, for one, feel that mutual respect dictates our actions, as a club, while we deal with the difficult issues in front of us now.

                          From this point on, we will be moving along quickly, as the days are both continuing to grow longer, and counting down to another great Davenport Meet. We too, at the CBC, look forward to completing this business at hand, as we must, so that we can get back to our common hobby!


                          Ken Welty
                          Last edited by KenWelty; 01-06-2012, 11:46 PM. Reason: punctuation


                          • #14
                            Well put Ken

                            A large division is happening within the club chapters, members of some chapters have no say in what is going on within their chapters, others like the Chief Blackhawk chapter is governed from the members up. The last time I looked we really had no use for top down goverment that tells us what is best. True it is hard to get people to be involved, but it is a worthy goal for all to have a say for the good of the club. lets get involved. Shelby


                            • #15
                              Please read our January newsletter!

                              Shelby, you are correct. I know many AMCA members do not pay attention to the governance of the club that they derive so much pleasure from, deferring to those of us that do.

                              But, to those of us that chose to be active in our clubs, "the emperor has no clothes on."

                              The president of the AMCA sent a letter to all of us CBC members where he stated:

                              As you have probably heard, the leadership of the Chief Blackhawk Chapter has made decisions recently that would have the effect of changing the relationship between the Chapter and the AMCA. In part, the Chapter leadership has said those changes are a reaction to the decisions made by myself and other members of the AMCA National Board.
                              Mr. Spagnoli is apparently unaware that we are a totally democratically run club. All of our decisions have been made by the club at large. From the decision to change our meet to a regional meet, to the suggestion of recording the discussion with the AMCA BoD & officers at their meeting in Davenport, these decisions were all made, and voted on, by the club's members, (NOT Officers,) at our monthly business meetings, or other scheduled meetings.

                              In his letter to us, and by publicly printing an inaccurate portrait of the events that occurred at both the BoD meeting, and the Presidents meeting, in Davenport in the AMCA magazine, (a recording does exist,) he has insulted every member of our CBC, by condemning the leaders of our club as misleading us!

                              These gentlemen, one of which you have portrayed as a villain, speak for our club, as our trusted servants.

                              Despite his comments in his "AMCA President’s Newsletter," Mr. Spagnoli, has not reached out to me, in any way. If he were serious about this, he would have responded to our Officers and BoD's personally signed letter to him and copied to the AMCA BoD dated Oct. 14th, 2011. We can begin our dialogue when you address this letter to you, Dick.

                              Our February business meeting will be very, very interesting, for sure! I encourage you all to attend!

                              Ken Welty

