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Forum Trouble

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  • Forum Trouble

    For roughly the last week I've had troubles with accessing the forum. It will eventually load but it takes forever. I sort of ruled out my computer as the culprit as any other web-site loads lickety split! I logged out and tried to access the forum from the main club page and it wasn't any better. I got an e-mail today from another member that is having similar problems. Is it just us or are others having issues? Like I said, it loads but it's like a real bad day with dial-up.
    Cory Othen

  • #2
    Cory....I have no problem with mine.


    • #3
      Thanks Dewey. This one has me scratching my head.
      Cory Othen


      • #4
        If your computer savvy, perhaps do a traceroute to and see if there is a bottleneck somewhere.
        AMCA 26656



        • #5
          Cory, The forum has been as slow as a constipated asshole for some time now but what difference does it make since the membership here has driven everybody away. All I hear from people is I can’t stand the bitching and I will no longer be posting. This was a great forum at one time. Bob L
          AMCA #3149


          • #6
            Cory, I've not had any problems. Have you checked with your internet provider? I have periodic issues with mine once in awhile. My provider has a help line that I call when I get truly stumped. Also, have you tried rebooting your router? One last thing, I have found that it helps to do the "Disk Cleanup" to get rid of certain files that do nothing but slow my system down. I do that several times a week.
            Lonnie Campbell #9908
            South Cackalackey, U.S. of A.

            Come see us at the Tenth Annual AMCA Southern National Meet - May 17-19, 2019 at Denton FarmPark, Denton, N.C.

            Visit the website for vendor and visitor information at


            • #7
              tomcat1, thanks for the suggestion. I'm afraid "computer savvy" as far as techinical aspects go I am not. I did get the traceroute thing figured though but my computer isn't allowing it for some reason. I'll pick and prod at it and hopefully I can speed things up. It's painfully slow.

              Bob, I hear you. When all the chaos was going on I was wondering how things would sort out. A lot of folks left with a bitter taste in their mouth and for the most part the people doing the flipping out have faded away. They'll be back though when political controversy strikes again. This has always been my favorite forum but I agree it doesn't have the pizazz it used to.

              Lonnie, my computer is set to do automatic clean-up stuff. Every once in a while I do it manually just because..... I figured I'd check with the membership to see if anybody else was having troubles. This is the only site that's giving me grief.

              Thanks for the replies fellas.
              Cory Othen


              • #8
                Cory, I have not had any problems with the AMCA forum.

                As for controversy here; I didn't know we had so many weak sisters in the AMCA. I've seen many of those people on other sites and they're just as bitchy there as they were here. Those statements about anger issues at the AMCA forum never held much water as far as I am concerned. A forum is just a medium for dialogue; it's the people that have the problems.

                This is still my favorite forum but it has gotten rather quiet. I think a lot of it has to do with the kind of motorcycles that people are most interested in and of course we all know that is KNUCKLEHEADS. There are better forums for talking about OHV Harleys than this one. The thing that bothers me the most is the deafening silence on real antique motorcycles. The AMCA forum should be buzzing with activity about antiques but there's nothing. My theory is; the real antiques have all been sucked up by paranoid collectors who don't want anyone to know what they have. This is such a tragedy because many of these collectors are extreamly knowledgeable and could contribute a lot to the AMCA. Unfortunately, their voices are never heard and I think it's only going to be a matter of time before the plug is pulled on this forum.
                Eric Smith
                AMCA #886


                • #9
                  this site has been loading fast for me cory,one of my other sites i go on was acting like dial up,thats the thing with computers when its good its great and when they whoa up its hell..
                  i do like this site excpecially when the pics are posted,bring on the popes,excelsiors,boardtrackers and riders!!!!
                  have a good one folks.


                  • #10
                    Sometimes it is foot dragging slow. Other times lightning fast. I blame my server.
                    Be sure to visit;
                    Be sure to register at the site so you can see large images.
                    Also be sure to visit


                    • #11
                      Eric, I got a different take on this. I feel that most of the older bikes say 40 and down are owned by people that are older than the both of us and most of them don't know how to operate a computer and for the most part are to damm stubborn to try to learn. They see the computer as the younger generations devil and of not there time or age. I know a lot of folks that I see at the meets that are in their forties and refuse to own a computer. Just my two cents. Bob L
                      AMCA #3149


                      • #12
                        i think bob hit it. it's a computer thing. i call some of these guys on the phone and they are glad to help.i have told a few of them to go down to the library and use a computer. i'm sure if they took a look around the site they would stay and reply.
                        rob ronky #10507


                        • #13
                          The site is messed up, Folks.

                          My wife's Vista laptop with Verizon DSL has been experiencing the same difficulties as Cory described.

                          No browsing problem with any other sites.

                          AMCA #776
                          Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


                          • #14
                            The AMCA site has been working fine for me. It loads very fast and I haven't had the troubles you guys have experienced. Somewhere in the internet, there must be some bottle neck screwing you up.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by rwm View Post
                              i think bob hit it. it's a computer thing. i call some of these guys on the phone and they are glad to help.i have told a few of them to go down to the library and use a computer. i'm sure if they took a look around the site they would stay and reply.
                              I'm barely literate on the computer, but emailing Mom and 7 siblings has been my primary motivation to maintain, while this forum and web site and a few other info sites are very rewarding as well. I had to take a free library help class to get into gear, and I doubt whether most senior folks would care to learn something that they've lived without for 70+ years.
                              I have another idea to bounce around (probably land like turd!): Let's put a web-site team to work at the meets, or the events. Let's interview the bikes on the floor with the owners and any other qualified contributors. The library needs the material, and we need the access. We also need for the meet sites to be "hot", and guys like me need a "coach" who can help show the way. ... That might also bring in seniors who would otherwise have an inner prejudice against computers.

                              It also befuddles the heck out of me that advertising on ebay is booming, but that sellers don't consider for a moment advertising on this site. Just check the
                              dates on the adds.

