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Answering Someones Questions

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  • Answering Someones Questions

    Hello i cant not be the only one that notices when someone posts an ad or a question that there might be 2 or three valuable answers and 20 to 30 just banter or vague obvious answers that offer no merit to the question , are people that lonely for social interaction . if you have no good insight don't post . This is in no way a dig at any one person Just a general observation that is very aggravating .

  • #2
    Who’s doing the deciding of what is good insight and that which isn’t? Parking Lot Chatter is just that, chatter, so that invites all opinions. Even if I don't always agree with an opinion, I take it for what it is........ fun.
    AMCA #7300


    • #3
      It’s about the norm here at AMCA central. I would post a funny political joke and assholes that have never ever posted here before would come out of the woodwork. If I don’t know the answer, I try not to respond or at least post were I think they might find the answer in question. All forums on the net have just become is a place for people that can’t handle themselves in a public situation hence letting them hide behind a fictitious name and spew there bullshit, the perfect place for spineless people. Bob L
      AMCA #3149

