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Chief Blackhawk Road Run

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  • Chief Blackhawk Road Run

    We just returned home from three days in heaven, namely the Chief Blackhawk Chapter's Cows, Corn, and Country Road Run. Three glorious days of positive fellowship, bright sunshine, perfect temps, and at least a thousand beautiful vistas to behold as we rode the ridges of the upper Mississippi River valley.
    The old bikes seemed equally happy and free, pumping along, doing what they were made to do, and reminding us all why we love this sport. We want to thank again road run organizer Tim Schumacher, all of the Chief Blackhawk leadership, and all volunteers for a wonderful event. It came as no surprise that you all really know how to do things right.

    Until next time,
    Steve & Sandee Dawdy
    Steve Dawdy

  • #2
    Hey Steve,
    Thanks for the report. Any word on the status of Stanley Miller after his collision with the deer?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Red Fred View Post
      Hey Steve,
      Thanks for the report. Any word on the status of Stanley Miller after his collision with the deer?
      Just visited with friends here in Sioux Falls, something about "on a respirator" was mentioned. Please report, anyone who can.


      • #4
        Swelling and bleeding in the brain have reduced, surgery planned to plate some broken ribs. Some family members are there now, more on the way. Prognosis sounds good.
        Kyle Oanes AMCA # 3046


        • #5
          Any idea on the hospital so that a guy could send Stanley a card??
          Jim 8-(


          • #6
            Check out Matt Olsen's Blog for some more info- Matt says "If you would like to send him a card, he is staying at the St. Anthony's Church in Rock Island Illinois." Best wishes to you Stanley for a speedy recovery.
            Eric Olson
            Membership #18488


            • #7
              From Stanley's Sister:
              Stan had surgery this morning to put plates in his rib cage to stabilize them.
              When the surgeons went in and put a plate in his front ribs they discovered that
              his back ribs were broken too so they put plates in the back too. Stan is still
              under sedation and using the ventilator but it looks as though the surgeries are
              over. There is a small chance that he will have to have surgery on his broken
              shoulder bone. His t4 and t5 have the side wings cracked but that has no effect
              on his spine. His toe is sewn back semi-together and in time skin should grow
              over the bone and tendon that were opened up in the wreck. The foot surgeon
              checked his toe today and it was pink meaning it was healing. I looked at it
              and it looked good to me.

              Stan still has no idea that we are here. This morning when the foot doctor was
              there and moving his foot he rustled around in bed and we talked to him but that
              was about all the action we've seen. (He did not talk back)

              We are really glad we are here but frustrated that he can't talk with us. The
              doctors say in the next couple of days they will take the breathing tube out.
              We selfishly want them to take it out soon so we can visiti with him but the
              nurse said that the rib operation is very painful and that sometime a patient
              has that sort of injury they choose to breathe shallowly and don't cough to
              clear out their lungs and end up with pneumonia. So we're happy with status quo
              for the moment.

              We will go back to the hospital one more time tonight but don't expect to see
              any change in his status.
              Fred Davis AMCA #9176


              • #8
                Does anyone have the name and address for the hospital so we can send cards? I doubt the info on Matt's blogsite. At the roadrun we were told that Stanley is somewhere in Rockford.


                • #9
                  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Stanley. As we pulled in to the parking lot on the final day of the road run, there sat Stanley’s ’36, bent and broken. Our hearts sank as we heard that he was life-flighted to Rockford for repairs. For three days we had joked, hugged, teased, talked and rode old bikes with the man that epitomizes what this club is all about, having a good time with friends who live and breath old motorcycles. I sat next to Stanley at the camp fire on the first night. He sang along with the guitar player, sharing another of his talents, and he encouraged my feeble harmonizing, while Sandee advised me to stop singing. Wednesday, we shared stories and pictures on the ferry ride across the Mississippi river, soaking up the moment. Saddled up and ready to ride on the last day I, once again, told Stanley how much I liked his motorcycle, an incredibly historical machine. He accepted my compliment, simply saying “yeah, I’m diggin’ it too”, but quickly diverted the conversation to say he really liked my ride, a far more common machine. That is Stanley. That’s why we call him our friend, and that’s why we do what we do, ride motorcycles together.
                  Steve Dawdy


                  • #10
                    Thanks for the report, folks, and to his family, I wish we could be there for support. Hopes and prayers from all who love him.

                    Reckon he got the best of the deer? ... sorry, too early for humor, but, ya know.


                    • #11
                      Stanley at the Road Run to Steve.
                      Attached Files

