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Davenport, so the rumor is........

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  • Davenport, so the rumor is........

    there was a confrontation at the board meeting. Anybody know anything and want to comment? Perhaps the beginning of the fall of the empire?

  • #2
    I was not there of course,
    But no matter whatever the controversy, it doesn't take a psychic to realize that the Board can just change the rules to suit its agenda.

    AMCA #776
    Dumpster Diver's Motto: Seek,... and Ye Shall Find!


    • #3
      I heard the pres. Of the b/h chapter called the cops on the national pres. & wanted him to be removed. The details i’ll leave to the spin masters.


      • #4
        Funny thing about that Davenport meet, I just can't stomach the idea of hanging out indoors at chap presidents' meetings, or any meetings, while there's fun to be had outdoors, other interesting folk to meet outdoors, and especially the motorcycle items to FONDLE outdoors.
        My livelihood is in the ag sector, which is enjoying strong activity. I like to say that the big casino called Wall Street could not poison the ag sector's rich soil, or the world's hunger, and it couldn't stop the rain. .. Let's all reckon that our bikes will outlive us, and our mutual appreciation of a good swap meet will outweigh any attempts by mere mortals to spoil something that is greater than they are.


        • #5
          I was there and it was not pretty. As president of the Buffalo chapter I was saddened to witness grown adults behave like children. I am in agreement with Phil ...this is a hobby..folks...chill out . I left and did not return after the incident although a meeting resumed later I am told and business was dealt with.


          • #6
            I was at the meeting and the president of the blackhawk chapter was way out ot of line. The national president conducted himself fine and did not yell and scream as did the president of thr B/H chapter. I believe the B/H president had it planned in advance to have the county sheriffs wait outside till he called them to remove the national president. When the national board and those attending the meeting got up to leave, he saw that he had no support,so he left instead and the national president and board members returned and the meeting continued. I also heard that this same individual attended the national board meeting on Thursday and was choking the national's lawyer and Matt Olson had to restrain him.


            • #7
              I was told that the BH pres. attempt to re-enter the building to pick up his jacket and helmet and the attorney would not allow him to enter the building. The attorney shoved the BH pres. prior to any physical action by the BH pres. It was then that the BH press defended himself.

              Apparently the next day was when the BH press called the cops and sent all the members out for disallowing the BH pres. to talk.

              I was not there, my information came from first hand witnesses. Is it exactly correct ??? I have never met an honest lawyer. I think lawyers should not be involved in our club as office holders !

              We need to take a vote amongst all club members to elect those who hold these important offices and prohibit snakes (lawyers) YES I SAID IT ! from taking our club over as they have our courts in this country. I have not met a person in this club who is happy with the current direction the club is going with an attorney at the helm.

              The French had it right once a long time ago !



              • #8
                So what was this all about? BH chapter voting to not be a national meet, thereby making the BOD mad, because they aren't going to get as much cash from the meet?


                • #9
                  This sh!t would damn near be funny if it was on tv, cuz then it wouldn't be real. If it's real, it's embarrassing.
                  Come on, Man!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Phil Mast View Post
                    This sh!t would damn near be funny if it was on tv, cuz then it wouldn't be real. If it's real, it's embarrassing.
                    Come on, Man!
                    It's time for those who participated in the activities to offer an accurate explanation of the conflict ! The silence must be broken, the longer it takes the less accurate the report will be and the greater influence the spin doctors will have on the event .


                    • #11
                      I agree that the membership has a right to know what's going on. If it's just a personallity conflict, I could care less, but if it pertains to club business then we have a right to know.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #12
                        This is kinda interesting how things get twisted, just like previous events I actually witnessed. I was front & center of this one too, and the aftermath during the Presidents Meeting. I'm running late to work at the moment though (finally back to work after over 2 years laid off), so I'll have to continue this when I get home.


                        • #13
                          Blackhawk chapter president and club members voted to not be a National meet and become a Regional meet. Their reasons are many. It is unfortunate that because of the acrimony, the other club presidents never really got the story.
                          Charlie Finney, Blackhawk president called for Richard Spagnoli to resign earlier this sumeer. Go to Blackhawk's website and read it so you do not think this is hearsay.
                          The National has done a good job alienating members and chapters for some time going back to the Eustis insident that has horribly corrupted and ruined the judging as we know it. Their reasons include that, but it is primarily the fact that the club is not member driven and still in the dark ages [1954 based] and secretive. There has been no transparency in the AMCA from the beginning. That is not the way to run a club or business in 2011. As a member, you have one right, and that is to pay dues and receive a magazine. You have no rights to how your board is chosen. Any attempt to challenge anything goes no where. The average member is happy to go to a meet and have a good time. However, history has shown that is cases like this, sooner or later, if there is no involvement by the rank and file, there is nothing left.
                          Do board members work hard? Yes, they do. But, they are what could be called an incestuous group, as they can pick and choose from amongst theirselves with no recourse by a member. They decide whose resume to accept, if they even use one [supposedly any member can submit a resume to the board].
                          Can this be changed? Only if they the board vote for it. Remember, you have no vote.
                          At a minimum, at least two board members should be member elected. Resumes should be published, and members vote for at large positions. To do anything more radical in a short time would be difficult to transition. The closest thing you have to representation at this time is your elected chapter president.
                          However, the Rolls-Royce club had a hostile take over under similar circumstances, whereby a separate board was formed, went to court, and the court allowed the takeover.
                          All minutes should be tape recorded and made available. All financial records should be available. It has never happened.
                          The disclosure about the foundation has not set well with many members. I believe that is a bone of contention for many chapter presidents and members in spite of explanations from the National president and others. Again, it was behind closed doors. If the board wants to aleviate some of that turmoil, publish or make available the IRS letter informing the club why things had to change.
                          Again, it is unfortunate the way things went down at Davenport, but do no be surprised if other National meets do the same thing until this board and president wake up and stop the my way or the highway approach we have seen to this point.


                          • #14
                            Bikerdds, you're describing the Sunshine Chapter to a T.
                            Eric Smith
                            AMCA #886


                            • #15
                              bikerdds, I appreciate your comments and your insights. As a former BOD member, I know exactly how I was selected. I opted to resign after six years due to the fact that my views and opinions differed with several key members and I did not particularly want to be "pushed overboard" as was done to several others when they were no longer considered team players. Unfortunately, there were several members who were dead wood, effectively nodding dogs, who supported the majority view as they benefitted from the two free trips to FL and Davenport every year. It would certainly be refreshing to see open board elections for defined terms but I would say that it be a minority of the membership that would elect. Both national Model A Ford clubs have open annual elections but I think the percentage participating is small. However, it is preferred to the self perpetuating system know in place.

                              However, if you think the National Board is insulated, look at the Foundation. There is no membership to even see what it's doing. One question I have and will probably never know is how much of the AMCA treasury was transferred to the Foundation. I obviously knew the finances of the club when I was an incumbent and to their credit, Dennis Craig and Ray Duhe did provide accurate financial statements during their tenures as Treasurer, but now it's reverted to the black hole again and my time was pre-Foundation.

                              The BOD will probably put the spin on it like they do with the state of the Judging System but I know some folks that don't believe a word of it. But as Slo Joe said, it would be better for the truth to be told rather than left to speculation.

                              Steve Ciccalone

