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    Hello Kids, Wauseon was fantastic !! Emphasis on FANS ! The stands were full, thank you all !!! The practice race was fun, the heat race was exciting with Michael Lang edging out the Pusherman by a nose @ the finish. The pits were calm except for Big Jesus 151 sheared a pinion key @ the crew worked diligently to get the bike out for the 2nd heat race. Thanks to the teams that dug through there tool boxes to find a key for Big Jesus. Thank you Frank Rick, he had one. Frank Rick had some troubles with his Injun, & made it through it, thank God ! John Rhodes X had trouble starting for the main so he got it running & kept it running waiting for the race to start. The whole time the carb was blowing gas on the cylinders & it was kind of scary !!! You can see this in his video in the beginning, while the bike is idling you see clouds of smoke rising up in front of the bike. I talked with John & he said he was ready to race, on fire or not !!! Now thats the SPIRIT !!!!! Matt Walksler & his new machine did a great job of nailing 2nd place. John Rhodes very impressive third !! Michael Lang 4th. Mike Longoria on Big Jesus 151, Which is the heaviest bike out there, stock 28 frame, stock I-Beam fork, Tanks weigh 30 lbs,& now has a stock 74 " motor, he still pulled 5th place & the only time he's raced before was Wauseon 2010. Way to go Mike !! Aric Lippoldt pulled 6th on Grandma's Shotgun, that kid rode @ circleville 2010 for the first time in his life. Way to go Aric !!!! Thompson Racing built 2 new Indians for 2011, hats off to Chris & Dave. Ken Curtis showed & finished, thumbs up ! Wayne Albertson & the POPE ! #1 in my book ! Frank Rick Finished 11th, cool ! Bill Rodencal showed some marbles & finished on a hd single ! James Shost finished the race, which is a major accomplishment in itself ! Take it from a DNF Pro !!

    There were 4 machines missing from the program, I hope all is well with them & they will be back for 2012 ! ( IF THE WORLD HASN'T ENDED BY THEN ) !!! Here below are 3 great video's for all you Boardtrackers to enjoy.....These 3 videos kick a$$ check them out !!!

    The 1st link is Dana form Pusherman Racings Boardtrack Insider.
    The 2nd link is Nitroratrod's main event video. Thank you Bob!
    The 3rd lind is John Rhodes' handlebar cam on his third place Excelsior. Way to go John.

    Boardtrack Insider ...

    Nitroratrod video from the stands ...

    Rhodes' race from handlebars ...

    Once again it was an honor to race with the Boardtrackers of the 21 st century !!! Have Fun All !!! Pusherman........

  • #2
    HI Carl good to see you raceing. sorry to miss the races this year.Kurt and my self had some family things . so we could not get to the race this year. and it dozen't look good for Davenport either. Mertens raceing team. #21 #24 and next year j.d.#23


    • #3
      Hello Team Mertens, We missed you guys & hope all is well with the family. Team Kunes & Fusiak were not there either. Kunes needs to do some engine overhauls & I hear Fusiak had a parts supplier fail to make his production date. BUMMER !
      We had 13 bikes enter the race,with your 3, Kunes 2, Fusiac's 2, Pusherman has started on a new bike, & I'm going to push Bill Nugent here........ We could have 22 entries next year ! That would be an all time high. The most I've ever counted was 15. Four years ago there was talk about the sport dying. I'm glad to see a revival....WOO HOO !!!! PS I forgot about Slo Joe, hey buddy missed you this year.... Hey Joe, racing is more fun than being upset with the MAN.... You all have fun & if there's any way I can help, contact Pusherman Racing !

