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  • #16
    The only bad thing is; I would hate to see too much of our precious magazine used up on political B.S. Still, I think your suggestion is very constructive

    From looking at other club magazines the resumes do not take up much room and the voting slip would not either. The BMWMOA sure makes it look easy. This is the kind of political stuff the membership should know about before it happens. After being voted in by the total membership the newly elected board members certainly would have more support from the members. This is how support of canidates starts. Wouldn't be nice to really know about the canidates BEFORE they are elected.
    This is one change the AMCA needs to do to become a better organization.
    Ed Glasgow
    # 2053


    • #17
      Before holding the BMW MOA up as an exemplar to follow, keep in mind that all is not skittles and beer over there, either. It's quite true that the MOA, with its 34,000+ members, is the largest member run club in motorcycling. The club staggers elections to 3 year terms for its officers and board of directors so that there are elections in 2 out of 3 years for half the positions. Candidate biographies/position statements in the club magazine -- comparable in size and quality to the Antique Motorcyclist, but published every month -- are limited to a photo and 500 words; a specially embossed, postage paid postcard is bound into the issue. The club's forum, which is very active, has a special area for question and answer threads with the candidates for each position. This area comes online with the publishing of the April issue of the club magazine, which in an election year contains the candidate positions, and disappears again at the beginning of June, when mail in ballots are no longer accepted.

      In spite of this outreach, the club elections have never attracted a reply rate that exceeded single digits. It's usually about 5% of the membership who votes.

      In the last three election cycles, the club has not been able to raise enough candidates to have more than a couple positions contested. In the last election, just completed this month, the club couldn't even find a candidate for every open position, so the president will appoint someone to that position next month. The club treasurer suggested that people not bother to mail in their ballots as doing so changed nothing and would cost the club the postage. There were zero postings in the online forum area over the two month period it was open.

      One commonly heard complaint from the volunteers who do the work to run the club is the level of Bitching, Moaning and Whining (but is it really a particularly BMW trait?) online from the membership. Even though the board publishes a group email alias, the club's office phone is staffed every day and the current president has his personal email alias and his cell phone number published, they get almost no use. But the forum is always alive with complaints about how the board doesn't do this or that according to members wishes.

      (I am a forum moderator and the current Forum Liaison to the board at the BMW MOA.)
      --Darryl Richman
      Follow my 2012 Cannonball Blog!


      • #18
        At the risk of sounding foolish:

        I'm glad Fred pointed out it takes 3 hours per day to fulfill his function. That helps to get some scope around the involvement a BOD member requires. I think the most complex part of a business, club, or organization is understandning the "mission" and being able to push through the controversy to accomplish. I'm not sure I can state the mission of the AMCA beyond "preservation of antique motorcycles".

        For example- if having swap meets of parts is it, we got it. But if it is the preservation of the motorcycle, the history, it changes things. That's why the foundation exists, or why our money was spent on a Torque 4. That was not popular with all, but does it further the mission?

        It is difficult, if not impossible to make any club = 100% happy members who all show up, and who all share the work. It natural. So those that choose to lead, try to provide what they think is best for the organization- not any one individual. This of course creates camps and and break up a club if it gets bad enough. But the leadership must listen carefully to ensure they are communicating with the membership, and that the membership understands the mission or direction of the club.

        Since I am part of the Northeast Coalition (Rhinebeck), I can cite an example: Our missin from day 1 has been to expose the hobby to non-hobbiests in the hopes we can affect even 1 person to become a member and add to the club. So, we have a meet in a place where we can attract non members, and that means a place where they can bring the family and see a show and get a balloon or whatever, while the guy checks out the bikes. We've signed up many new members- last year I think 12 or more. And this year, many chapters got new members from AMCA members. Meanwhile, AMCA'ers get to see the bikes the people and get their parts like any meet. But in return we get a poll, where 35 people think we should move the meet. So, the coalition has a lot to do- satisfy the mission, satisfy the members, satisfy the non- but potential member. How? We'll work to improve the aspects of the meet we can. But we can't change our mission to provide an opportunity for non members to enjoy the hobby in the hopes some will join.

        So, I'm sure the AMCA BOD will try to improve the process, and it will take time, like most change. I've seen it in communication from the President, and even how the open request for BOD nominations. And we as members should encourage the change by voicing our thoughts and opinions so they can be considered by the BOD. Just like the thoughts and opinions of the Rhinebeck meet will be considered by the Coalition. It doesn't mean all of them get adopted, but it is an important part of the process (we improved vending registration, vending staging, vending spots based on feedback from the first few years). So, while it probably hurts some BOD members to read about AMCA problems, it hurts some Coalition members to read about Rhinebeck problems. But, we'll expect the AMCA to listen and act on ehalf of the mission of the club, just as the Coalition will do for Rhinebeck.

        I guess I'll summarize by saying get involved to help shape your chapter and the AMCA. Let's keep voicing our thoughts and opinions so that leadership can respond as Fred has above.
        Dan Margolien
        Yankee Chapter National Meet July 31/August 1 2020 at the TERRYVILLE Fairgounds, Terryville CT.


        • #19
          No Dan, its not 35 people. It's 80% to 20%. It would even be more but someone shut the poll down. The bottom line is the management of the fairgrounds has already done the damage, AMCA members are not returning. It’s non-repairable. All those people muling around aren’t buying anything because there not into antique motorcycles, there ther there for a show of some kind. If you’re so keen on management maybe you should start looking at those percentages. You’re not looking at the clear picture. You might have signed up twelve new members but it’s nothing compared to with the overall loss of members attending the meet. Bob L
          AMCA #3149


          • #20
            Darryl, thanks for letting us know about the BMWMOA. I am sure IF the AMCA ever does let the membership vote on the BOD it will probably be close to the same figures. Many do not care who runs the show until something wrong happens. The most important thing is to have the ability to vote. If you chose not to that is your right.
            Ed Glasgow
            # 2053


            • #21
              Another thing is that an online poll means nothing. It may be entertaining, but it has zero statistical value as a means to divining membership desires and interest. Especially in a club like this where such a small percentage of the general membership even visits the forum. The people who respond are self selecting, so only the loudest and most disaffected tend to reply/vote. The only way to understand what the general membership wants is through a well designed telephone survey, which is an expensive endeavor. Even the survey the club ran will show self-selection bias, and there may be other systemic biases in the responses.
              --Darryl Richman
              Follow my 2012 Cannonball Blog!


              • #22
                Figures lie and liars figure.You gotta love statistics.All surveys are biased in one way or another.It's how you ask question.


                • #23
                  There is a difference between not caring, and just staying out of the way and letting someone do the job they were elected, chosen. or volunteered to do. Just think what a mess it would be if everyone got a say on everything. Sometime you just have to trust people. I don't now, and never have what it takes to be on the board, or any othewr major job for the club. This forum definitely represents a small part of the organization. I am going to try to keep my opinions limited, because that is all they are, and we know everybody has one, and another hole to go with them. There seem to be just a few issues that get the fires going in the club, and I don't agree with a lot of you on those, believe me. But as adults, we just have to get through them, and hopefully the smell will go away eventually, and the real cause here will prevail. Mike

