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Should the club move from Reinbeck to a new location? POLL

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  • #61
    Hey Fred
    I have to ask, how many rhinebeck meets have you attended,did you vend at any of them? Just wondering?


    • #62
      Originally posted by DEWGARINC View Post
      The word dirty was never used!
      I said- I have to add the bathrooms back by the track -stunk so bad of urine outside and in thursday and friday am that it was unbelieveable.
      That sounds like they need to add Port a Potties in that area. May be what they have are not enough to **handle the flow**.
      If I get tired of waiting I would use nature in concealment too.
      Jim Rowin
      Omaha, Ne


      • #63
        Originally posted by junkyarddog View Post
        That sounds like they need to add Port a Potties in that area. May be what they have are not enough to **handle the flow**.
        If I get tired of waiting I would use nature in concealment too.
        Jim Rowin
        Omaha, Ne
        Jim- So when I called you out about pissing on my spot at Oley this year what you were doing is " Using Nature in Concealment"? I call it being inconsiderate and lazy to walk 200 feet to the restroom. Respectfully, John P..


        • #64
          Originally posted by 46EL View Post
          Jim- So when I called you out about pissing on my spot at Oley this year what you were doing is " Using Nature in Concealment"? I call it being inconsiderate and lazy to walk 200 feet to the restroom. Respectfully, John P..
          Not exactly, I call it that I am usually running solo, most people no, unfortunately that there are thieths at most all the AMCA meets. I have had parts, many high dollars parts stolen. That is mostly why I don't leave my spot. You say yours, No I was on mine, you just think you own and run the whole thing. I mentioned the insodentdent to a few other vendor that know you, and none of them had anything good to say. I tried to get along with you, because we all have are things that are not perfect. Well, don't talk to me again & I won't talk to you. Sorry we have to be neighbors, but life is life and things go on. I'm stay where I am with my back to you. Funny you are bringing this up tonight. I was about to head out to buy 4 night vision cameras, 2 for the meet trailer and 2 for my shop. Probably should not have let it out. I was hoping to catch a thief on tape. Well may be we will get looky & catch 1. I hope all the thiefs are not members and so don't get or read the Club Magazine or look at this Form. Have to leave now.
          Jim Rowin
          Omaha, Ne.


          • #65
            This is why for the most part this Forum is dead


            • #66
              Originally posted by Paquette View Post
              This is why for the most part this Forum is dead
              I don't think I can agree with you on that Michael. People will always disagree, and that happens on every forum. I think the AMCA forum is slow because genuine interest in REAL antique motorycles is very rare and this forum is the only place you will find that kind of knowledge. The reality is; the vast majority of the antique motorcycle community is obsessed with knuckleheads, and panheads and there are better forums to cater to that interest.
              Eric Smith
              AMCA #886


              • #67
                seems like our forum here got caught up the last two years on a buncha stuff that generally has nothing or little to do with antique cycles; fights and arguments about prices of memorbilia, meet locations at nausea, how old you have to be to ride a scooter at rhinebeck; judging politics; politics, forum user requirements, etc. I'm not criticizing those with interests in these types of peripheral things (i am sure I have probably posted in a few of them) but it can tend to turn people away and it flat out gets old and stale and I'm sure boring to many. The reality is on this site over the last two years the threads with the most posts tend to be thoses that involve some pointed, harsh disagreements. There's nothing wrong with disagreements; some goold ole controversy of course is interesting; but all the personal attacks are a turn off at least for me and i would think for many others (as interest on this site does appear to be sporadic and sparse at best). I also think the format of the site, assuming our AMCA dues support it, would be better served with many more pictures from the meets, features from the current magazine, tech articles with pictures, etc. Just my thoughts. Happy riding.


                • #68
                  Doesn't the meet have people you can have watch your site for you? Maybe a curtain, and a milk jug? And personally, I find the kids on scooters to be one of the worst things at the meet I attend. I isn't a race track.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by portagepan View Post
                    Doesn't the meet have people you can have watch your site for you? Maybe a curtain, and a milk jug? And personally, I find the kids on scooters to be one of the worst things at the meet I attend. I isn't a race track.
                    Those aren’t scooters they are baby sitters. They recklessly ride around while their parents enjoy the time away from them & torture us instead.


                    • #70
                      They also might be the future of the club, without the interest of the younger generation-who will replace us when we are gone?


                      • #71
                        It also might mean the end of our club using Oley as a venue if some little kid gets run over and ends up seriously injured or worse. And thanks Mike-portagepan for the support and advice. Maybe some of you view my post as being a "personal attack". The real "personal attack" is when I got home 2 years ago from Oley and found that all my tarps, sleeping bag and mattersses were used as a latrine and had to be thrown away. The sad thing is the person who did it wrote right on this forum that he feels that it is perfectly OK to do because he doesn't have anyone to watch his stuff? Thisn year at Rhinebeck I arrive Friday at 6AM to find someone in a tent sleeping in my spot? Does it ever end? Does anyone think about anyone but themselves? 46EL


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by DEWGARINC View Post
                          They also might be the future of the club, without the interest of the younger generation-who will replace us when we are gone?

                          I vote for courteous well behaved & respectful kids to be the future of our club.


                          • #73
                            Rhinebeck this year as far as the slow selling went most probably related to the economy. Then you throw in the fact that 3 meets are held within a 6 or 7 week span and the price of gas and that knocks out some attendees. Then add in the 10AM entry rule and there is another negative. I think that you cannot hold an event anywhere with hundreds of Vendors and thousands of spectators without rules and regulations. The poll says what it says but where can we go and have an event of this size? Hebron, Harmony or Brookfield cannot support thousands of spectators in my opinion. So can Rhinebeck be "tweaked" a little? Can the gates Friday morning be opened to the public at 8AM? Just how many vendors arrive between 8 and 10AM on Fridays? Is vehicular traffic the concern and reason for the 10AM rule? How did the pre-registered entry go Thursday? I didn't arrive untill Friday so I have no idea? Just my thoughts. 46EL


                            • #74
                              pre registration

                              I was not there but I was told it only took 18 minutes to get everybody through the gate. It took a few years but the vending comittee did a GR8 job.


                              • #75
                                Thanks for the info Dave. If it was only 18 minutes that was a big improvement! It was great to see you and your lovely wife at the meet. And thanks again to all who worked hard to put the event on. Hopefully a few minor changes can be made to make a few more Vendors and spectators happy. Maybe if the economy turns around a little in the next year thing will pick up as far as sales go. There are many people out there who are having enough of a hard time hanging on to what they have yet alone start any new projects. All we can do is hope. 46EL

