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Should the club move from Reinbeck to a new location? POLL

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  • #46
    Originally posted by stbryson View Post

    Why did the poll close?

    Take care,

    Steve Bryson

    Steve, I don't know why they closed it. I never put a time limit on it? Bob L
    AMCA #3149


    • #47
      i think it's just closed to those who voted already
      rob ronky #10507


      • #48
        Nope, It was closed yesterday.
        AMCA #3149


        • #49
          Originally posted by Robert Luland View Post
          Nope, It was closed yesterday.
          i see that little sign that says poll closed
          rob ronky #10507


          • #50
            Rob it was great spending some time this weekend with Lucy and you. We never get the time between meets. I hope ya can take the time to come to Jefferson this year and spend the night. The boys and I would love to have ya. Bob L
            AMCA #3149


            • #51
              I had the opportunity to talk to a board member of the fairground and also a member of the antique engine club. I told him of everyones complaints and he was very surprised. Especially the comments about the restrooms being dirty. They care very much about the fairgrounds and monitor the bathrooms very closely. The fairgrounds have people posted at each bathroom to keep them clean. I have to agree and have never seen a dirty bathroom here. They do care that everyone has a good safe time and this involves security. If people want to drink and be crazy he said they can go somewhere else. He also said that the fairgrounds enjoy's this event and they certainly welcome us and they wish to continue in the future.


              • #52
                Once again, who closed the poll and why?
                AMCA #3149


                • #53
                  Originally posted by fabercycle View Post
                  I'm sure if the meet was within a couple hundred miles of where I live, I would like it too, but with gas at 4 bucks a gallon, I have to "give away" 900 bucks worth of merchandise to pay for gas, before I can start making money as a vendor........and yes, I have to make money, cuz it's what I do for a living, as it is with many other vendors, like Old Dude- Clete. It doesn't take too many other irritants to turn you off about coming again. I've gone there two times, one year I made decent sales, the next year I didn't. The year I did good, was a year I didn't vend at Oley, which tells me that when all the east coast buyers just saw you 7 weeks earlier, they don't really need what you sell again already. I say move the meet to an area of the country that doesn't see AMCA national meets. I am willing to bet that the 20% of poll people who want the met to stay, live within a cople hundred miles. Regardless, you can't ignore 79% of people not liking the venue.

                  Like it or not.....the vendors "bring you" the swap meets. They are also a large demographic of the collectors, and parts buyers. Piss them off, and your meet will go away on it's own.

                  I would like to thank all the chapter guys that worked so hard on Rhinebeck, they have all treated me very well, and I appreciate all their work.
                  Very well put tom. From what i hear, rhinebeck is not a place i would go too and there should be a meet where people don't have the oppertunity. Say like colorado for instance. Nicest state in the country and there is nothing in this whole 4,5,6 state southern region, nothing. The colorado canyon city meet failed for short comings on that chapter. I would like to see another one start up here. I attend davenport and then the omaha meet and both of them are really great amca meets. But i have to drive a whole day to get there.. Spread the wealth amca board members. Len. #765
                  Last edited by len dowe; 06-19-2011, 01:55 AM.
                  AMCA #765


                  • #54
                    Len- The Rhinebeck Meet was supposed to be a Northeast meet to make up for 3 smaller meets we lost in NY, NJ and CT and not a Midwest event. 46EL


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by len dowe View Post
                      Very well put tom. From what i hear, rhinebeck is not a place i would go too and there should be a meet where people don't have the oppertunity. Say like colorado for instance. Nicest state in the country and there is nothing in this whole 4,5,6 state southern region, nothing. The colorado canyon city meet failed for short comings on that chapter. I would like to see another one start up here. I attend davenport and then the omaha meet and both of them are really great amca meets. But i have to drive a whole day to get there.. Spread the wealth amca board members. Len. #765
                      I'd like to see a big swapmeet in my backyard too but asking the board of directors to do it is not going to help. They, I'm sure would like to see a swapmeet in every state also. They would not stand in your way if you would organize and run one. They would even pay your chapter a few hundred dollars to put one on. I guess what I'm getting at is that this is a volunteer organization. It is not up to the board to put on swapmeets and roadruns, it is up to chapters and chapters are made up of the members. It is our duty to do these sorts of things. This club is only as good as the members make it. I don't agree with all of the moves the board makes either but they don't have much to say about where the meets are held. If you want a meet in Colorado you'll have to get it going and if I want one in ND I'll have to get it going. Sitting around and expecting the board to do it is just not going to make it happen. John Lindemann


                      • #56
                        Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote! The poll is open!
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by jwl View Post
                          I'd like to see a big swapmeet in my backyard too but asking the board of directors to do it is not going to help. They, I'm sure would like to see a swapmeet in every state also. They would not stand in your way if you would organize and run one. They would even pay your chapter a few hundred dollars to put one on. I guess what I'm getting at is that this is a volunteer organization. It is not up to the board to put on swapmeets and roadruns, it is up to chapters and chapters are made up of the members. It is our duty to do these sorts of things. This club is only as good as the members make it. I don't agree with all of the moves the board makes either but they don't have much to say about where the meets are held. If you want a meet in Colorado you'll have to get it going and if I want one in ND I'll have to get it going. Sitting around and expecting the board to do it is just not going to make it happen. John Lindemann
                          I agree John. I don't expect the board on anything like that. Maybe i was out of context by saying spread the wealth. But isn't it the board, who petitioned, ultimately decides on yay or nay weather or not it's an AMCA sanctioned national meet or road run? In which i can see that for the title of "AMCA NATIONAL MEET". And I also believe that if one was to get one organized that the board shouldn't have a problem with it as long as all the guidelines and bylaws of the AMCA were met. And i don't believe in sitting around waiting and expecting others to do things and get things going. It was not my intention to start any argumet here. And i apologize if i was misconstrued. I really like the AMCA and thats why i'm still a member. Maybe i will try to stir the pot in the southwest on organizing a national meet. I think it would be nice to see one in this part of the country as there is nothing of sorts around here. I see that august is wide open. Len.
                          p.s. as far as reinbeck, i'm just going by what i hear here. i've never been there so i don't have the right to vote but i see more negative than positive in this thread and the poll shows it.
                          Last edited by len dowe; 06-19-2011, 09:24 AM.
                          AMCA #765


                          • #58
                            Having just returned from our local meet put on by the Ft. Sutter Chapter, I've been thinking about all the other National Meets that I've attended over the years. My very first AMCA meet was actually Harmoney back in the '80s. I loved it. It got me hooked. Since then, I've witnessed other meets grow, and adapt. Rhinebeck is awesome in many ways; it's location, it's make up of the hard charging Coalition who strive to put it on, it's quaint, but massive acreage that gently roll in undulating hills that provide a perfect setting for the vendors and shopper alike. Perhaps the Time-line is one of the more memerable icons of the meet; an un-believable display of our machinery, put on by dedicated Club members. The huge buildings that contain refuge for the enormity of the meet usually house some awesome sidelines, or even more special displays. The Food Alley offers every flavor under the sun. The sideshows and other events accompanying the meet at this venue offer an alternative to maybe a bored wife, or curious kid. To me, the event was like a giant State Fair. There was stuff going on everywhere, all the time. It is definately a super Meet.
                            Perhaps not as confined, or focused as some of the smaller meets where all our attention can be concentrated on rusty parts hunting, Rhinebeck offers a massive effort and venue for the whole family, and exposes the Club to many potential members who flock there also.
                            Each & every Club event has it's own personality and feeling. The emmensity of this 5 Chapter effort has steam rolled from the very start. I'm aware of some of the short-falls of the venues ownership and methods, hopefully those can be ironed out in future contracts as the Coalition has shown a great history and growth there. Seems all the gripes are about the facilities policies. That's one strike, but the homeruns and base hits of the location, size, quality, layout, logistics, access, hotels, etc......seem to be overlooked here. I also realize that Super Meets aren't for everyone, but this is one giant production, that is centrally located for a large concentration of Members. Car guys trudge through the mud, and the rain every year at Hershey, yet they keep coming back.
                            Here's to hoping that these bumps in the road get smoothed out.


                            • #59
                              Well said Fred as always.
                              Basically what I said earlier, it is just not for me.
                              I'm sure a lot of people don't like what I spit out, but I feel that I gave an honest evaluation of my experience.
                              I will just leave this one for the wealthy.
                              I keep a full schedule as is and can only continue to go to meet that I think I have the best chance of making a profit.
                              Most all I have gone to the last 3 or so years are not easy to come out on, in fact most I would have been as well off to have skipped.
                              A lot of time the only way I come out is by, what I call digging things out going or coming. That in the over all picture makes the run in the black.
                              Last time out was a run to Oley & then Denton. By the time I got home 5 1/2 weeks later The wound was heeled. The real capper, was I had to turn right around and go back to Kentucky to pick up the last buy. Well over 30,000 lbs in a 14,000 trailer. Won't try that again, because I probably will never move this pile in my life time.
                              Real surprised I made it home with no problems exept a small side wall punture, and a slow leaker that I aired several time, a small nail slow leaker.

                              Jim Rowin
                              Omaha Ne.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by cube74 View Post
                                I had the opportunity to talk to a board member of the fairground and also a member of the antique engine club. I told him of everyones complaints and he was very surprised. Especially the comments about the restrooms being dirty. They care very much about the fairgrounds and monitor the bathrooms very closely. The fairgrounds have people posted at each bathroom to keep them clean. I have to agree and have never seen a dirty bathroom here. They do care that everyone has a good safe time and this involves security. If people want to drink and be crazy he said they can go somewhere else. He also said that the fairgrounds enjoy's this event and they certainly welcome us and they wish to continue in the future.
                                The word dirty was never used!
                                I said- I have to add the bathrooms back by the track -stunk so bad of urine outside and in thursday and friday am that it was unbelieveable.

