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Should the club move from Reinbeck to a new location? POLL

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  • #31
    I think Rhinebeck is great. I take my family every year and they love it. My son rode our 1949 Indian 149 there for the first time four years ago and then my daughter rode it the following year. The big field in the back is great to teach the kids. My wife also loved the Biker Billy show. My children love Rhinebeck and they represent the new generation to carry on our hobby. What the hell is wrong with a school bus of kids pulling up and getting exposed to the AMCA? Also as far as vending I showed up with
    $ 2500.00 and spent it all on parts for my families projects. I wanted to buy more but some of the vendors pulled out early Saturday. As a contractor who travels throughout New England I talk to a lot of bikers who want to go but the rain over the last two years have affected turnout. The stunt shows and the antique engine shows are huge plusses and just add to this great event. I say keep it here, Rhinebeck is a great facility and the presence of cops simply provides security which is good. And yes I go to Oley and I enjoy that also.


    • #32
      cube74 your lucky the cops did not give your kid a ticket.
      rob ronky #10507


      • #33
        They were both 16 and legal.


        • #34
          Originally posted by murph View Post
          The 10 am gate rule is a bit much. It does have a carnival like atmosphere, and I was entertained. I can't comment too much because I don't see what goes on behind the scenes. It reminds me of a tourist attraction, especially when I saw two school buses of kids pull up and go in. Every year I go back though. I guess its better to be a buyer not a seller. Thanks to all that pull it off.
          I didn't say there was anything wrong with it I just said it reminded me of a tourist attraction! Just giving my opinion because it was asked for.
          1959 XLCH


          • #35
            Originally posted by cube74 View Post
            They were both 16 and legal.
            ny is 18
            rob ronky #10507


            • #36
              DID not know Billy was a Mind reader

              Originally posted by bill campbell View Post
              by far the closest meet for me but I also think its way over rated will be going to the meet in the mid west next year and not going to the rinebeck flop meet
              Biily I know you and you know me, but not well. How could you possibly come up with what I have been saying since I was there the 1st year. Let me add that I tell everyone when it comes up in a conversation that it is a great venue, and could be the greatest meet ever to come down the pike.Not only I didn't do well vending, but I went to Oley on the way for a meet at the club just a 1/2 mile from the fair grounds, to take a shot at helping on expenses on the run. The club is one of my favorite places to stop when I can. Can't leave my stuff set at Oley and go down. You can guess why. I left there and headed for the big one. I had 5 days to kill waiting so I spent a lot of it down town. Wrong idea. Not only were the people (very un friendly, The prices were way stupid on drink or food. Any one that knows me, I might not like it, but if I am there, I pay the prices for what ever I want. Don't have to put my self there a 2nd time though.
              End of story, I have to get some sleep.
              If it moves to a differnent venue with out all the **** that does not make for a good sway meet I will give it another chance.

              Until then I will take the good little meet closer to me. I alway do good there for the miles involved and they do have the best bike show that I ever seen

              I hope the boys at the BigOne don't take this against me. I do like all of them a know all the work they do.

              Ps If it comes on the same week end like it has count me out. I could say why the 2 have to be the same weekend but not now. Briefly that is when the grounds are available.
              Some else fill in the blanks for the winers that don't know.

              Night Night
              Jim Rowin
              Omaha, Ne.


              • #37
                Originally posted by rwm View Post
                Fairground rules are 16 and older. Do you have a problem with introducing kids to our sport?


                • #38
                  I'm sure if the meet was within a couple hundred miles of where I live, I would like it too, but with gas at 4 bucks a gallon, I have to "give away" 900 bucks worth of merchandise to pay for gas, before I can start making money as a vendor........and yes, I have to make money, cuz it's what I do for a living, as it is with many other vendors, like Old Dude- Clete. It doesn't take too many other irritants to turn you off about coming again. I've gone there two times, one year I made decent sales, the next year I didn't. The year I did good, was a year I didn't vend at Oley, which tells me that when all the east coast buyers just saw you 7 weeks earlier, they don't really need what you sell again already. I say move the meet to an area of the country that doesn't see AMCA national meets. I am willing to bet that the 20% of poll people who want the met to stay, live within a cople hundred miles. Regardless, you can't ignore 79% of people not liking the venue.

                  Like it or not.....the vendors "bring you" the swap meets. They are also a large demographic of the collectors, and parts buyers. Piss them off, and your meet will go away on it's own.

                  I would like to thank all the chapter guys that worked so hard on Rhinebeck, they have all treated me very well, and I appreciate all their work.
                  Last edited by fabercycle; 06-16-2011, 08:19 AM.


                  • #39
                    I have sat back and read all the posts for the last couple of days and have held off commenting. These are my opinions only and do not reflect the opinions of the AMCA, Coalition, or the fairgrounds. I, and all the volunteers that put in countless hours appreciate the positive comments directed towards all of us for our hard work at the Rhinebeck meet. The vendors are very much appreciated for coming and hopefully will return. The line of pre-registerd vendors passed thru the gate in 18 minutes from opening at 12 noon. I timed it myself. The "No Motorcycles" sign is located where the pedestrian walkway is at the main gate entrance. The 16 yr. old driver rule is pretty standard at any AMCA meet.
                    Rhinebeck is different than any other AMCA meet and was always meant to be. We wanted to create a family atmosphere where not only members, but the public could come and enjoy with their wife, girlfriend, children and friends and have a little entertainment while they are educated about our hobby and may want to get involved. I thought this was what the founders had in mind when they formed this club. We thought bringing in antique machinery and other historic vehicles would add to the meet. The younger crowd that the club desperately needs brought their vintage choppers and bobbers to display and were exposed to the club and its purpose.
                    I don't agree with all the rules, but most are in place for our saftey and protection. I don't agree with some of the fees the fairgrounds has in place but such is life. The food costs are high, but most events I have attended in the tri-state area the prices are similar. Nothing will change that. As busy as I was I managed to get to my campsite and make a burger or something to eat and enjoy a few cold ones to keep expenses down.
                    The security WAS more visable this year than the past. Saturday was the most visable I have ever seen. This was due to the Friday nite impromptu "Drag Racing for Beers" event thru the food court as the CEO of the fairgrounds was taking his evening jog as he does every evening whether there is an event or not. Later it culminated in a crash jumping the hump at the four-way intersection resulting in a 100+ft slide and tumble thru a vendors tent. Luckily there were no injuries or worse. Might have been the result of consuming too much "Wife Beater Juice." Sometimes we bring it down upon ourselves.
                    I spoke with many vendors and some did very well, some did not. There could be many reasons for this. Weather, economy, attendance, parts quality, prices. There is to be expected more foreign parts at meets as these have now reached the 35 yr rule. This gives the younger people a more affordable entry into our hobby. Since the average age in our club according to poll is 58.8 we need all the younger people we can welcome into our hobby or it will die as we do.
                    Whether Rhinebeck continues and the volunteers that put in the thousands of man-hours remains to be seen. It sure would be a shame to see it end on the actions of a few. When I joined the club 30 years ago I didn't think it was a private club of "BIKERS" dedicated to no rules, no cops, no fences, abuse of women, do what we want free for all irregardless of the saftey, well being or the impression we leave upon others. I can get that at any major "Biker" event campground across the U.S.A. I thought I joined a family oriented club dedicated to the "Preservation, restoration. education and enjoyment of antique motorcycles." Maybe I was wrong.
                    Last edited by D.A.Bagin; 06-17-2011, 11:41 AM.
                    D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by D.A.Bagin View Post
                      I have sat back and read all the posts for the last couple of days and have held off commenting. These are my opinions only and do not reflect the opinions of the AMCA, Coalition, or the fairgrounds. I, and all the volunteers that put in countless hours appreciate the positive comments directed towards all of us for our hard work at the Rhinebeck meet. The vendors are very much appreciated for coming and hopefully will return. The line of pre-registerd vendors passed thru the gate in 18 minutes from opening at 12 noon. I timed it myself. The "No Motorcycles" sign is located where the pedestrian walkway is at the main gate entrance.
                      Rhinebeck is different than any other AMCA meet and was always meant to be. We wanted to create a family atmosphere where not only members, but the public could come and enjoy with their wife, girlfriend, children and friends and have a little entertainment while they are educated about our hobby and may want to get involved. I thought this was what the founders had in mind when they formed this club. We thought bringing in antique machinery and other historic vehicles would add to the meet. The younger crowd that the club desperatly needs brought their vintage choppers and bobbers to display and were exposed to the club and its purpose.
                      I don't agree with all the rules, but most are in place for our saftey and protection. I don't agree with some of the fees the fairgrounds has in place but such is life. The food costs are high, but most events I have attended in the tri-state area the prices are similar. Nothing will change that. As busy as I was I managed to get to my campsite and make a burger or something to eat and enjoy a few cold ones to keep expenses down.
                      The security WAS more visable this year than the past. Saturday was the most visable I have ever seen. This was due to the Friday nite impromptu "Drag Racing for Beers" event thru the food court as the CEO of the fairgrounds was taking his evening jog as he does every evening whether there is an event or not. Later it culminated in a crash jumping the hump at the four-way intersection resulting in a 100+ft slide and tumble thru a vendors tent. Luckily there were no injuries or worse. Might have been the result of consuming too much "Wife Beater Juice." Sometimes we bring it down upon ourselves.
                      I spoke with many vendors and some did very well, some did not. There could be many reasons for this. Weather, economy, attendance, parts quality, prices. There is to be expected more foreign parts at meets as these have now reached the 35 yr rule. This gives the younger people a more affordable entry into our hobby. Since the average age in our club according to poll is 58.8 we need all the younger people we can welcome into our hobby or it will die as we do.
                      Whether Rhinebeck continues and the voluteers put in the thousands of man-hours remains to be seen. It sure would be a shame to see it end on the actions of a few. When I joined the club 30 years ago I didn't think it was a private club of "BIKERS" dedicated to no rules, no cops, no fences, abuse of women, do what we want free for all irregardless of the saftey, well being or the impression we leave upon others. I can get that at any major "Biker" event campground across the U.S.A. I thought I joined a family oriented club dedicated to the "Preservation, restoration. education and enjoyment of antique motorcycles." Maybe I was wrong.
                      Very well wrote and right on the money. I know this meet has become very special to my kids and their friends who have come along. I know it has helped to make some future members for our club.


                      • #41
                        The security WAS more visable this year than the past. Saturday was the most visable I have ever seen. This was due to the Friday nite impromptu "Drag Racing for Beers" event thru the food court as the CEO of the fairgrounds was taking his evening jog as he does every evening whether there is an event or not. Later it culminated in a crash jumping the hump at the four-way intersection resulting in a 100+ft slide and tumble thru a vendors tent. Luckily there were no injuries or worse. Might have been the result of consuming too much "Wife Beater Juice." Sometimes we bring it down upon ourselves.

                        Steve, I wonder if this could be the same two jackasses that were drag racing at Oley all night. That night from what I understand they made contact with a human. Just for the record Steve, I don't beat my wife and the poll speaks for its self no matter what spin ya want to put on it..
                        Bob L
                        Last edited by Robert Luland; 06-17-2011, 06:14 PM.
                        AMCA #3149


                        • #42
                          The pole speaks for itself still 79% think it should be relocated!This is not about how many hours anyone put in, we all know that everyone worked hard,maybe the club should stop feeding the fairgrounds and purchase a place,where all the man hours and money spent will be retained for the future generations to come! just an idea!


                          • #43
                            Wow didnt take long to close the poll!!!!!!!!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by cube74 View Post
                              Fairground rules are 16 and older. Do you have a problem with introducing kids to our sport?
                              no i think it is great. but the state of new york says no out of state drivers under 18yrs. of age that is not my law. i was telling you this so you can avoid a large fine from the leo's. if you live in ny. then it is not a problem for your 16 year old to drive
                              rob ronky #10507


                              • #45

                                Why did the poll close?

                                Take care,

                                Steve Bryson

