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Cherokee Chapter Reaches 200 Members (UNVERIFIED)

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  • Cherokee Chapter Reaches 200 Members (UNVERIFIED)

    The Cherokee Chapter has reached a milestone this month with its membership list reaching 216 members, while this number is unverified by National we are proud of our growth from less than 40 when I became part of a new Board of Directors and became the Membership and Events Director.

    Under the leadership of Steve Klein (President) and Greg McFarland, VP, our Chapter has been very active in events of General Interest to Motorcyclists. We have become a internet based Chapter over 3 states and are expanding to all over the country. A Face Book page for members is popular.

    By having Regional events, Swap meets or Regional Rides or cross country rides like the Cannonball 2014, our members have fun when they get together, Share events in other areas of the country, or groups of friends get together for a social, back yard BBQ, Tour someone's Collection or have local rides.

    We created a First Class Website so those that can not be there at least see what is going on with their friends. It takes dedicated leaders to plan, promote and execute all of these events for the members, to set an example of how less government and more fun attracts a large number of people.

    A lot of people are signing up to support our growth with Events like Pate Swap meet, where the Vendors and the Members is the focus of our efforts. We are at the 2/3 mark selling our 381 spots and are selling several a day since getting back from Daytona, where a lot of our members go every year to get away from Winter. We expect to sell out completely and will start a list of those that want to get better spots next year when we will shoot for 400 to 500 spots reserved for Motorcycles and Vendors. As with all swap meets the best spots are reserved a year in advance.

    This will also be our Spring Chapter Business Meeting where we expect to see close to 3/4 of our members to be part of the 4 day long tailgate party with friends. With such a large area set aside for Motorcycle Display "Concourse De Pate", Swap meet area and dedicated RV area, We plan on putting on a Event to Equal or exceed our Spring National Road Run 2014, Which few would argue that it was near or at one of the best ever. For those that will miss the small Smithville meet on Mothers day every year, come out to the Country side at the Texas Motor Speedway, there will be something for everyone to like.

    Shelby Withrow, Membership and Events Director
    Last edited by shelbyinparadise; 03-30-2015, 11:00 PM.

  • #2
    Cherokee Chapter Growth

    I have just filed the required Cherokee Chapter membership list to Fred Davis showing we are at 301 members and growing with every event we attend. This number will not stand as the official number reported by Fred and we know that. The AMCA looses 30% nationally each year as reported by official printed reports over the last two years.

    I do not yet know the number of our members that have dropped out of the national or their reasons, but our chapter renewals remains high and members very active in all of the social events we have during the year. We gained members from many states that have attended our functions and decided to support our Chapter and to those people, Thank You. Our Membership motto is "Lead by Example" and we are on the path to be the largest, most active, and fastest growing membership run Chapter in the AMCA.

    See you in Eustis, Davenport, Pate, Wauseon, and Denton Farms where the chapter will have meet and greet booths, and again we will have a large field of members involved in the 2016 Cannon Ball.

    See future events and Regional road runs we are planning at
    Shelby Withrow, Membership and Events Director, Cherokee Chapter
    Last edited by shelbyinparadise; 02-23-2016, 05:00 PM. Reason: spelling

