I have been a member for about 25 years , but the last 10 have been few n far in between for me. I was hit n run in 1999 coming back from Davenport and Sturgis suataining severe back n neck injuries and a bit of internal bleeding loss spleen and most recently have had 9 heart procedure in thelast two year with a major quad by pass last JAN and a pacemaker. AT 57 I did not think this could happen to me but it did.
What it also did was put an end to my riding....I had to sell off not just 22 greta bikes from 1909 to a brandy new 100th anniverary Road King....though losing my prescious 48 and bobbers , well ...they got got me.
But life goes on and recently my wife n I have been discussing selling our home n buying some much smaller with less maintainece and work for me as arthritisis getting me BIG TIME.
So anyway I posted an add for my last bike I have a 100% original 54 OANHEAD but it was re-painted when I got it it had a 1951 sidecar it;s no longer on there but all attachments are. Not only does it come with 50% of NOS parts for the restoration but I am tossing in a BRAND NEW HANDY LIFT $1500.00 !!!
BUT WHY I AMPOSIITING HERE IS i HAVE boxes n boxes nboxes oofallkinds of Memorabliaia.
I have clothing, from several brands , tons of cool little things and EVERY SINGLE 50and 100th ANNIVERSARY COLLECTIBLE MADE>
The 100th's were allnumberd and only 2003 of each were made I HAVE EVERY NUMBERED 100th aniversary item still in the box !!!!
I also have the 100 anniversary vests, helmets, you name it if they sold it only for the 100th anniversaary I HAVE IT.
I also have tons of manual, toys, cans. to much stuff tomention .
I am wiiling to work with my friends who are vendors at the meets.,
I am NOT looking to make any profit really,sure a little bit but what I mostly want is to put this stuff into the hands of an avid collector like myself who would apreciate this stuff hangingin there shop or on a nice cabinet on display
There are also severalCLUBS UNIFORMS from the 50;s complete and make n female.
I have TWO had to find womens Harley hats with the built in kerchief built in in PINK n BLACK and many shirt and hats of also other brands,
IF interented contact me at RIDINRUST@Gmail.COM