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Book - How to Restore Your Harley-Davidson Motorcycle - Authentic Restoration Guide

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  • #16
    As of 12:50PM Central time, here is the latest. I am sorry, but my order will not be filled. Here is the response I just received from the retailer:
    "I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. We are unable to fulfill your order at this time. We were told by Qualside [sic] publishing, the book you ordered is out of stock, the second edition comes out mid 2012. Before contacting you we called several suppliers asking if they had any stock left, nobody has any of these books left. I heard from the last supplier moments ago. We have canceled your order 33**7. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
    Unfortunately, in many cases, we do not find out an item is out of stock or discontinued until we attempt to reorder. Again, our apologies."

    To those of you that indicated an interest in purchasing a copy of this book from me, I apologize for any inconvenience, but I will not be getting the books I ordered. I will not have any books to sell. Thought I just might luck out, but it was not the case.

    The situation remains that I still need to find a copy of this book for myself. I don't want to have to wait for the mid-2012 edition. So, now that the situation is a bit more in focus, who has a copy of the book they'd sell me? I'll pay up to $125.... (including shipping to Iowa). Thank you! Brian
    AMCA# 14373
    "I pity the poor people who don't ride motorcycles" -Malcolm Smith, champion motorcycle racer.


    • #17
      And the '36. But in all fairness Bruce would have to write another book to add all the oddball 1936 and 1965 information. My guess is that in September we will learn if the book had been reprinted or will remain out of stock. Maybe then if someone has the jack to publish the book with all the corrections and added information we would all be buying another book or three.
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      • #18
        If anybody is still interested. It's at just under $60 with about 8 hours to go.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Chris Haynes View Post
          And the '36. But in all fairness Bruce would have to write another book to add all the oddball 1936 and 1965 information. My guess is that in September we will learn if the book had been reprinted or will remain out of stock. Maybe then if someone has the jack to publish the book with all the corrections and added information we would all be buying another book or three.
          Chris, depending on the conditions, I might be interested in helping here.
          Buzz Kanter
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          • #20
            The copy that Tom Faber put up on Ebay went today for $184.67. That's insane. It will have to be reprinted, unless the owners of Motorbooks International are both mad and blind. They let his "How to Restore Your Military..." go out-of-print, now the bible that thousands of Old Harley enthusiasts swear by. How much trouble, how much cost can be involved, in doing another print run of a book you (they) already published?
            Gerry Lyons #607

