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Harley VL Heaven inventory for sale

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  • Harley VL Heaven inventory for sale

    Dear All, I was shocked to see the Harbor Vintage business and parts inventory offered for sale in the last AMCA magazine. I'm getting towards the same point with VL Heaven. There are bikes on my Website, plus still about $100k at retail worth of parts inventory, mostly VL with some JD transmission parts. I can send a recent Excel spreadsheet showing remaining parts to those seriously interested. And yes you can cherry pick the line items and make offers. You guys with VL basket cases to restore are going to struggle with Harbor Vintage and VL Heaven winding down! Tom Feeser at Replicant Metals has bought the Solar and Motolamp tooling, but some other tooling is still available. We are set up as a UK limited company with properly filed accounts, shares, goodwill, customer list etc if one or two of you are crazy enough to want to continue to serve the worldwide VL market. Call or Email for details. Seasonal Greetings and best regards.

  • #2
    Steve aka VL Guru of the World . . . quit??? Bummer.
    I guess you could write another book, "Stupid VL Questions" and use my picture on the cover . . .
    Rich Inmate #7084


    • #3
      Dear Rich, not so much quitting, more wanting to spend more time riding and less time mailing nuts and bolts. I'll be at Wauseon next year when the VL is the featured bike (and Oley), and Replicant has stockpiled copies of my VL restoration book. I'm still responding to orders, but don't have the 95% parts coverage of a couple of years ago.


      • #4
        Although I have sold my VL, I can only imagine the loss to the VL world that lies ahead. In my many years in dealing with you, I have received exemplary service from you, as well as a wealth of VL information. Thank you for the past help and friendship, and good luck in your semi-retirement.
        Rick Faulkner
        AMCA #494


        • #5
          Dear Rick, thank you for the nice words, and I think semi- will be the key word for the next couple of years.


          • #6
            Even though I knew this would happen, I did not know Harbor Vintage was going out of business as well. This will be even more tough for a restoration for anyone trying to build these but it doesn't surprise me. Hopefully the market won't change soon after this. I'll need to check what else I need now, and I may be interested in some tooling.
            Last edited by Cody; 12-13-2015, 09:41 PM.


            • #7
              Thanks Cody and it's getting hard to find parts at the swap meets for resale, and some of the eBay prices are crazy. Frames will never be reproduced because of the low production volume, and some are being lost to choppers. Forks, usable rear brake drums, 1936 cylinders and decent clutch drums are getting hard to find. Bonhams got $52,000 out of a 1930 VL at auction last month, so all you guys with project bikes should buy now while stocks last!


              • #8
                Hi Steve,
                Please send me the Excel spreadsheet.Do you sell a complete set of hardware for a VL restoration,all the nuts,bolts washers.I plan on doing 4 or 5 more bikes Thanks
                Merry Christmas


                • #9
                  OK Johnny, will do. Colony have produced a VL hardware kit with my input, and I can have one sent to you.


                  • #10
                    Did Harbor Vintage already close its doors? I tried calling today during business hours a few times and the phone is just a busy signal. The website is still up. However I'm sure since they aren't a completely website-oriented business that it will take some time before any changes are made there. I would also like the spreadsheet sent to my email at I have the print catalog but it probably has changed a bit. Thanks.


                    • #11
                      Inventory spreadsheets sent, and thanks for your interest.


                      • #12
                        Thanks Steve, I may be interested in some smaller tooling. I tried calling Harbor Vintage again today. The phone rang, no answer.
                        Last edited by Cody; 12-19-2015, 01:52 PM.

