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Knucklehead late 39-40 Frame + Gas Tanks

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  • Knucklehead late 39-40 Frame + Gas Tanks

    Someone I know from Minnesota has a set of 36-39 OHV Gas Tanks and what he thinks is a late 39-40 Knucklehead frame for sale.
    You would have to talk to him about the details. He is looking for some cash so we can close a deal we have been working on for a few months now.
    I do not know if he is capable of emails and photos. Send me a PM and I will give you his phone number. 46EL

  • #2
    And please guy lets be realistic, he probably doesn't want ebay prices for this stuff? But I can tell you right now you are not going to get the tanks and the frame as a package deal for 900 bucks like the last guy offered him. I'm trying to help a friend and not piss him off so please don't waste our time and yours. if you want to steal something for nothing go look on craigslist under "garage sales" and a few months from now let me know what ya find..........


    • #3
      Don't anybody offer the kind of money the majority of us bought our stuff for before this crazy money mangers took over and drove the prices up to the crazy place it is now for any kind of antique motorcYcle Especially late thirty to late forties stuff. I remember getting a whole bike plus **** load of parts for nine hundred bucks in the late eighties. Maybe he wasn't trying to steal something for nothing maybe it's all the money he had and he thought it was a lot of money. Every one can say no you don't have to act like the guy was an idiot . Unless u know the guy then it's a whole different subject. We are all starting to be elitists. This use to be a poor mans game where every one gave **** to each other to keep them on the road .
      How many people out there have lost a gas cap and gone to the closest friends house and got a spare out of their parts box . Or a bolt vibrated out . I saw guY last year who had a forward control bolt come out went to my partners house rummaged thru his bolts and took a old bolt to replace the one he lost . For the next three days all I heard was gee he looked thru all my stuff until he found a cp bolt to replace the one he lost I could have gotten twenty bucks for that . And he didn't have any idea what that bolt was a year before until I told him what I was looking for for my bikes . The daYs of the true reason we got into riding these American machines are long gone . The main brotherhood out there now is the brotherhood of the almighty dollar. What the hell happened there's no way to reverse it but let's try to figure everyone in this organisation is not looking for a deal maybe they heard one of us telling a story of a cool adventure and thought he was making a reasonable offer and he wants to put together his first old bike. Or we can all die with a **** load of parts and let our kids junkie the stuff off .when I say our kids , I mean your kids cause mine would never do that.... Lol we need to check what we say from time to time and remember that there are new people getting in to this hobby or lifestyle if you prefer, everyday and we need to help them a little if not by cutting a price or giving them something then let's try not saying something to make them feel like an ass. There are some good people out there I've met a lot of them and a lot of them rides bikes. Or I could be totally wrong cause I haven't smoked any of this stuff for years and my view might be altered lol


      • #4
        Hope you feel better now that you got that off your chest?


        • #5
          supply and demand-supply and demand. the parts are drying up


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sidehacker View Post
            ............ Lol we need to check what we say from time to time and remember that there are new people getting in to this hobby or lifestyle if you prefer, everyday and we need to help them a little if not by cutting a price or giving them something then let's try not saying something to make them feel like an ass.l
            Sidehacker, got a question for you? Do you own a house? If so and when the day comes you might need to sell it? Either because you are retiring or maybe you need the money for medical bills or whatever? I suggest you be a nice guy and go find a young couple just starting out with a couple of kids and sell them your house for what you paid for it back in the 1960's. Yes, be a nice gut and step up to the plate and leave a couple hundred thou on the table for the new guy just getting into the "hobby". Or when you sell your bike? I'm sure you are going to give it away for next to nothing just to help someone out. Wadda ya think??


            • #7
              Originally posted by 48hdbob1 View Post
              supply and demand-supply and demand. the parts are drying up
              Yes Bob I agree, things are drying up. And no offense to you but let me hijack my own thread here. I have to say the things I have been selling in the last few years I probably will not be able to replace in my lifetime if I ever need them again. And when I bought a lot of that 36-37 stuff 15 to 20 years ago it was hard to find back then. And I didn't buy it on ebay as it did not exist back then. I bought a few Frames in Hemmings and pretty much drove all over the eastern half of the US to go get something I needed when I heard about it. I would have to drop what I was doing if I wanted it bad enough because the next guy was waiting in line a phone call away. There was no paypal or digital photos or even email when I started. Today, except for a few people I have dealt with most guys do not want to travel anywhere. And back when you did find stuff at the swap meets like Oley everyone at 5PM was in the Firehouse drinking beer and eating dinner. I was still on my hands and knees digging through milk crates and cardboard boxes looking for small parts, eaton gas caps and CP Bolts to build the barn bikes I built from nothing. And I still run when I get calls. Unlike a lot of other people I have seen in the past a stones throw away from me playing around on facebook or some of these forums bashing other peoples bikes or ebay auctions. People who should be out there running to find stuff who sit home and play on the computer with other peoples lives??? Thanks Bob for letting me get that off MY chest. Respectfully, 46EL
              Last edited by 46EL; 11-17-2014, 06:55 AM.


              • #8
                I responded to you by PM and you gave me the phone # and I called numerous times and no response. Does this guy really want to sell this stuff or not? I guess money does not talk like it used to, I have given up on this transaction. I can find anything I want by making a few phone calls and shopping at the meets, I do not need ebay or these other social media games. I like to deal with real people who use their real names and where a handshake and your word still mean something.


                • #9
                  Carl- I have spoken with you numerous times about a lot of different topics at quite a few different meets.
                  if you had a problem contacting my friend you should have just contacted me via PM and let me know and I would have tried to put you two together.
                  Since you chose to just reply here and make me look like some sort of am irresponsible slug here is a round of cannon fodder shot back in your direction.
                  I just asked my friend if he heard from you and he said he did get your call. Problem is he remembers you well from a few years back when he had some other stuff for sale. He said you tried to beat him up price wise so bad on what he was selling he didn't have any interest in returning your call. Sorry but he is an old timer and a little slow. Buy he also said when it is something you have for sale you want all the money and when it is someone elses you don't want to pay nothing.
                  Sorry for my response but if you like kicking a dead horse sometimes that horse is just taking a nap and when he awakes he will probably kick you back. I'm really surprised with you Carl. Sometimes wires get crossed and if you don't take the time to uncross them and figure out the problem you get a good jolt! Respectfully as always in our conversations, John J. Pupecki #4340


                  • #10
                    I said either or and I don't believe I will be going any further with this accept to say Like a politician you take half a sentence out of a statement and now were talking about selling my house for less than its worth . Has nothing to do with what I said which was if you don't want to accept the deal you don't have to but you don't have to make someone feel less than for making an offer that they might feel is legitimate. I also said unless u know the guy. I wasn't voicing anything about absolutely selling for any price. I said we can all say no . You don't have to make any one feel less than for making an offer. Which means you do not have to sell any part that you bought for less than you want to but if you don't want to say your own price don't make someone feel foolish for sounding out a price. When we run adds like that we want the other guy to give his offer first in case he would offer more than we would ask , that's the selling game but to scold someone for offering to little didn't seem right . I thought I made that clear I said we were all becoming elitists, not just you or the other guy . When we take a statement ment for a group and apply it to ourselfs it implys guilt. . And for everyone's information on my last house I payed more than it was worth like forty percent of America so I did sell it to a nice couple for less then I wanted just didn't do it because I wanted lol . What started me off was when u gave no price but used the word steal when u were offered a price . In my last years I want to pass on the the information and the excitement of preserving and riding these pieces of history to the right young people and that don't mean selling all my prized stuff for nothing but it could be that just by making someone feel like they are not an idiot for saying something that their not sure of can keep them Interisted . I'm done


                    • #11
                      I've learned a few things in the last few days.
                      1)Forget about doing favors for people from now on when it comes to selling stuff.
                      2)If I have something to sell just put it on ebay and let whoever wants it to bid on it.
                      3)even though ebay fees have risen the people who buy the stuff are glad to get what they need with a lot less drama and BS.
                      But I do thank the people who did step up to the plate and buy a few things from my friends.
                      And I'm sorry to anyone who got frustrated but I did mention photos and emails would be tough.
                      Remember that there are still a lot of people out there who have a lot of stuff in their collections
                      and don't even know or care about ebay or the Internet.
                      Closing down early for the Holidays this year and see you on ebay in January 2015. 46EL


                      • #12
                        Always remember, "no good deed goes unpunished"


                        • #13
                          Two, maybe three years ago at Oley I sold my first part ever at an AMCA meet. It was a really nice off-set original paint springer for a 47-48. I am not in it for the money and a younger guy in his late 20s-early 30s came up to me and asked about it. I asked him if he was building a bike and he gave me a great song and dance story on his build. I sold it to him for under half of what it was truly worth because I was happy to help a younger guy get his project off the floor. At another meet later in the year I saw it for sale by him for well over double what he paid. I I'D'ed it by the same NY 1972 inspection sticker that was on it when I sold it. I said nothing to him but it really pissed me off. Never again.
                          D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                          • #14
                            And twenty years ago when I sold my old 47 Chief I let it go to a guy here in the US a few grand cheaper than what someone from Europe offered me. The guy I sold it to then sent it to Europe two weeks later and made two grand on it. Lesson learned. 46


                            • #15
                              This message is to anyone still trying to reach my friend who is also named John about his frame and tanks.
                              Last I heard he is in the hospital and not doing well. If you have been calling him recently that is probably why you are not getting a reply. 46EL
                              Last edited by 46EL; 12-22-2014, 05:34 AM.

