Hey guys,
I have been out the meet scene for the past 10 years due to my health. IN 99 coming back from Davenport and Sturgis I was run off the road and left in a field near Sioux Falls for hours till a trucker saw me.
Long story short it ended my riding career... and dsabled me, since then I have had 9 heart suregies including open heart and am now unable to do the resoration work or kick start em anymore ....not to mention beinding and lfiting while doing this work'
For years after I bought this 100% complete ORIGINAL EXCEPT PAINT my wife n I tooleda round w/side car which is NO longer attached or with the Bike but all connections are still on the bike.
FOr about 15 years while cruising the meets i wouldl buy anythng for 48's and 54's ANYTHING memorabliia parts, tires ANYTHING,.
Well I figured that it sitting in my garage is killingme after selling off 22 bikes n 6 motors and parts I have a tonof memorablia left, parts for Excelsiors but this ad is for the 54 pan.
It comes with ORIGAINAL SEAT. ORIGINAL NOS Goodyear tires, saddles bags n Tank shift or the original foot shot (first year). Speedo was restored by PETER HEINZ year as ago, the exhaust has NOS clamps and yes a REAL Y pipe.
A NOS 54 MEDALLION for your front fender, hat oin, and key chain, Every catalog for the 50th anniversary, the Enthusiast, if harely put it out about the 50th anniverary;s
I have all the cool JOHNNY CASH CADILLAC parts, the bullet lites, BECK shark exhaust tips. and many other great extra's.
I am willing to also SWEETEN The offer by putting a BRANDY NEW HANDY LIFT cost 1500.00 with the sale since after this bike goes I have no use so my loss is your gain !!!
I am NOT giving this bike away but I am wiilling to discuss a possible trade for a ULH FLATEHEAD 40's or 65 pan., but with my financial burden due to 9 her surgeries has me strapped n I shouold rally sell this.
SO I willnot put a proce on it...we know what it is worth.... if you're intrested in purchasing or at least talking about what I have and or a possible trade contact me at