I'm sure someone has an answer for this one.
I keep seeing an oil drip on my chainguard. I got a flashlight and found a small exit hole coming from the rear cylinder. Oil is working its way out of this hole and working its way down the cooling fins and onto the chain guard. Why is this hole there?
Secondly, my bike smokes alot for a few minutes after starting. Could oil be working its way up into the exhaust valve and burning itself off there? I'm befuddled.
I keep seeing an oil drip on my chainguard. I got a flashlight and found a small exit hole coming from the rear cylinder. Oil is working its way out of this hole and working its way down the cooling fins and onto the chain guard. Why is this hole there?
Secondly, my bike smokes alot for a few minutes after starting. Could oil be working its way up into the exhaust valve and burning itself off there? I'm befuddled.
