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  • Uk7

    The around the world trip sure out shines ours and i hope his is as enjoyable and has met as many fantastic people as we have. Our trip took a small turn.After Jersey we caught the ferry to France and rode south for a couple of days passing St.Malo and a Abbey out on a small is land that looked like it should have dragons and wizards all around the place. A few miles down the road the the slight knock we had heard brought the fat boy to a stop,cheap HD cam bearings,the bike has 8000 mile and is a 2000. we were in the middle of nowheres ville.the 3rd auto that passed was a truck pulling an empty motorcycle trailer!!!!!!!!!! the two young guys didnt speak much english and of the 4 of us i spoke the most french/ with a okie accent,we convayed we were headed back to england and ask for a tow to the nearest town. 1-1/2 hrs later we pull in to the nearest ferry landing,not expecting this at all. our short 2 days in FRANCE were met with the same kindness as all of our trip,just the langage barrier had keep down the belly laughs. In ENGLAND a friend of Stuart brought a truck and took us on a 100+mph trip 200 miles north back to Droitwich at 1am through the moonlite country side. we located parts andin the mean time we had met BARRY a large jovial chef "no one trust a skinny cook" he works in THE EAGLE AND SUN pub about a 100 yards from his canal boat, 58ftx 7'. being ignorant of the UK BARRY INFORMED ME THE COUNTRY WAS CRISSCROSSED WITH 200YR OLD CANALS,with locks you worked yourself and could travel all of England at the break neck speed of 4mph. Barry warmed up the LISTER engine and pulled out with the motor bumping it melodic song at 700rpm,as soon as he was clear of his mooring he went for a beer and smiled his mischievious grin saying so one take the tller,which is suprisingly responsive steering at the stern of a 58' boat. He was only ready to take back over as we pass thru a long tunnel.then back to us. Stuart who is on the kamakasi Suzuki and loves 100mph+ had a hugh grin and sat at the front waiting his turn to steer. Life at 4mph one day and 130+ the day before. THANKS BARRY who has internet acsess when he is moored. by the way you can rent these canal boats for days or months. so now we sat waiting for breaks in the rain to reinstall the cams ,all done outside, and then off on our merry way gray