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In Case You Missed It - Chapter Officers receiving email scam attempts ** Be Aware **

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  • In Case You Missed It - Chapter Officers receiving email scam attempts ** Be Aware **

    Hi Folks: In Case You Missed It - AMCA has been subject to email scam attacked targeting Chapter Officers. Here is a reminder of these scams from Keith Kizer AMCA Executive Director and some possible ways to avoid falling for the scam.


    Mike Love
    AMCA Forum

    Dear AMCA Chapter Officers,

    They are at it again, email scammers targeting AMCA Chapters. Email scams are a part of our lives and they are never going away.

    Be smart when looking at these emails. Look at the URL. That is always a sign that something is not right. If you don't recognize the email address from the sending, its because its fake. Usually the name is incorrect, or the name they are calling you is incorrect.
    Never fall for the gift card trick.
    “I’m out of town” really, call that person. They’re not out of town.
    Stop displaying your chapter officer’s email addresses. Have one single email address like is all you need for someone looking for information. There is no reason to publicize your secretary or treasurer's email. Those can be handled with internal emails to your entire chapter. The same goes for showing these email addresses in your newsletters.

    Bottom line, NEVER send money or gift cards!



    Keith S. Kizer
    AMCA Executive Director
    P.O. Box 663
    Huntsville, AL 35804

    Cell: 256.509.9095