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Hot Springs Arkansas

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  • Hot Springs Arkansas

    The 4th Annual Antique Motorcycles In The Park Event is this September 10th Saturday.

    During Motorcycle Cannonball, The Hot Springs Arkansas stop was undeniably the best stop of all. The Hot Springs people and their city officials roll out the red carpet for motorcyclists period. I only wish I could be there, unfortunately other commitments previously scheduled will prohibit my attending this event.

    That said I now would like to ask a question. During the Motorcycle Cannonball event leaving Hot Springs a climb and descend of Mount Magazine was part of the ride for the day. Towards the top of the climb side was a left hand blind hairpin curve where photographers were on the exit side of the curve. Photos must have been taken when I rounded that corner.

    I am looking for those photographers, if you read this or you go to the above described park event and meet these photographers please get information to me on how to contact them. I would love to find the possible photos taken when I rounded the corner on the Gray Ghost Motorcycle Cannonball bike number 48.
