Dear Phoenix Road Runner Chapter Members - -
Mike Kane and Jerry Zumdieck have put A LOT of their own valuable time and effort to make our first AMCA National Road Run a success, and now, some help is needed.
See Ed Houser's email below, and thanks in advance for your continued support.
Best regards,
JJ Cerilli - Secretary
Phoenix Road Runner Chapter of the AMCA
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Hi John,
We are going to need two volunteers to staff the registration table at the Knab Road Run in June. We would need them on Tuesday night May 31st and Wednesday morning June 1st for a couple hours each.
Please write up something and send this request out to our chapter members.
Ed Houser
President Phoenix Road Runner Chapter of AMCA
Mike Kane and Jerry Zumdieck have put A LOT of their own valuable time and effort to make our first AMCA National Road Run a success, and now, some help is needed.
See Ed Houser's email below, and thanks in advance for your continued support.
Best regards,
JJ Cerilli - Secretary
Phoenix Road Runner Chapter of the AMCA
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Hi John,
We are going to need two volunteers to staff the registration table at the Knab Road Run in June. We would need them on Tuesday night May 31st and Wednesday morning June 1st for a couple hours each.
Please write up something and send this request out to our chapter members.
Ed Houser
President Phoenix Road Runner Chapter of AMCA