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  • Greetings!

    Me and my 1917 Indian powerplus are new to the AMCA. Looking forward to many stimulating conversations.

  • #2 please...........Lloyd


    • #3
      Thanks, Lloyd! I appreciate that. I will work on learning how to do pictures and get them out. Nice Servi! Dale


      • #4
        Welcome aboard Dale! Would like to hear more about your Powerplus!
        Cory Othen


        • #5
          Thank you, Cory! I got the Indian from the son of an older gentleman that had it in his basement since 1963! It is unrestored, mostly original and almost all there. They decided it was time to pass it on. It is lacking tires, taillight (has electrics), rear stand, kick pedal and couple other small things. Still has traces of the original paint. Somewhere along the line someone installed a Bosche ZEV magneto instead of the Splitdorf Mag-Dynamo. (I'm learning!) This isn't going to be a restoration project. My first intention was to leave it alone. (I'm afraid to even clean it!) But I think it would be nice to put tires on and find the missing pieces. I'm new to the antique thing, although I've been going to Oley for a bunch of years, so I'm open to all suggestions, opinions, ideas, criticism etc. Still working on the pictures. I'm not too computer saavy! Dale


          • #6
            b 012.jpgb 012.jpgb 014.jpg I hope this worked. I tried following instructions!?


            • #7
              Gosh Dang, that's an awesome Power Plus! Tell us about it and welcome, you lucky devil :-)


              • #8
                Just read your post, git it running good and make it safe as possible and have a blast ridding it. Can't git over your machine, so complete - awesome !


                • #9
                  Oh man that's an awesome bike!!! Tom is right. You are very lucky to have such a complete machine. I'd also personally just get it roadworthy and enjoy it. Purdy paint can always come later... or not...
                  Cory Othen


                  • #10
                    Make it as safe as possible and ride it as is. That way you won't have to worry about that first nick or scratch.
                    D. A. Bagin #3166 AKA Panheadzz 440 48chief W/sidecar 57fl 57flh 58fl 66m-50 68flh 70xlh


                    • #11
                      I agree with Cory, and Tom; you should get it running and have some fun with it. You don't have to restore it, but go through the motor, and trans, and get it safe like Tom suggested. The old girl already has a ton of character but it's waiting to smell like gas, and oil again, and to pick up some dust and road grime. Using a motorcycle will do more to preserve it than futiley trying to hermetically stop it's aging.
                      Eric Smith
                      AMCA #886


                      • #12
                        Wow! Looks awesome. Congratulations! Hope you realize how fortunate you are to become that bikes caretaker. Its truely an amazing piece of American History. Agree focus towards bringing it back to life getting it operational and leaving cosmetics undisturbed as much as possible.
                        Jason Zerbini
                        Near Pittsburgh PA (Farm Country)
                        Allegheny Mountain Chapter


                        • #13

                          The ABC generator is a possible alternative to finding, and repairing a Splitdorf Mag/dyno. I have 2 ABC gens. and they are still relatively inexpensive, they are period correct, and they do look pretty good. However, I have no idea if they work well, or at all.
                          Eric Smith
                          AMCA #886


                          • #14
                            Sounds like that's the consensus. It does seem like it would be a blast to ride! I HAVE sat on it and made motorcycle noises! Eric, I'm going to show my inexperience with the early stuff again. I don't know what an ABC generator is. Cool picture though. Thanks to all for making me feel welcome. Dale


                            • #15
                              You will git bigger crowds any time you take it out the way it is too. You pull up to a couple of restored machines and watch the folks come your way. Don't know why exactly, but that's the way it works. Also as been said, it's just kind of neat. If you ding it or scratch it while having fun, it's a badge of honor and just gives it more character. Git it looking perfect/ brand new and man it just makes you sick when those same dings or scratches happen and they well. Once again awesome Power Plus you have there! Have fun with it :-)

