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Excelsior conrods

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  • Excelsior conrods

    I am to assemble the bottom end of an 1917 Excelsior and struck by a moment of doubdt... Which rod goes where?
    The parts book I have just name them as "inside connection rod" and "outside connection rod" . I have seen them named as male and female conrods, knife and fork rods, but which is the front conrod?
    I hate to learn too late that the 50% chance i had to get things right, was wrong...

  • #2
    Forked/Front. That's how I remember it for Excelsiors. Harley Davidson started putting the forked rod to the rear in '40 or '41. Maybe when the 74 OHV was introduced. All I know is my Panhead has the forked rod in the rear. . . . . Now that's a bunch of junk you didn't want to know. EXCELSIOR, FORKED ROD IN FRONT.
    Eric Smith
    AMCA #886


    • #3
      Thank you!!
      Silly to leave so much time between dismantling and the trying to assemble again. All the notes I possibly made, are lost.
      Now I may put the bottom end together with all the new parts, hopefully straight and in balance, then it's ready for the new cast iron pistons which I have been promised are on the way.
      Per Erik


      • #4
        I plan to go through my 1916 Big X later this year. I wish there was more Excelsior activity here at the AMCA forum. Knuckleheads have taken over the world it seems.
        Eric Smith
        AMCA #886


        • #5
          I agree Eric... more Excelsior talk would be good. Maybe you can help accomplish that by taking us through your Big X overhaul.......
          Cory Othen


          • #6
            forked rods on Harleys changed in '39 , I found this out when I'd built the bottom end on my 1938 ULH with forked rod in the rear , engine wouldn't turn , had to take apart and do other way round , all good fun and practice !!
            Been out on my '12 4B and series 16 big Ex already this year and plan on riding the '16 over the Easter break , nice to hear about other Excelsiors , keep us informed of your rebuilds , also don't forget the Big X yahoo group site -
            Happy rebuilding / riding all , Ken

